Kater alleine halten aber öfter zu einem anderen kater bringen?


ich habe einen 6 Monate alten scottish fold Kater.
Er lebt zurzeit in Einzelhaltung bei uns, jedoch gehen wir fast jede woche mehrmals zu meine Mutter die ein BKH Kater hat welches ca. 1 jahr alt ist.

Die beiden verstehen sich ganz gut.
Würdet ihr an meiner stelle trotzdem einen 2. Kater nachhause holen?

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11 months ago

it should be a quiet 2 cat, because since the Scottich Fold belongs to the breeders and through the OCD will have any pain, no turned-up cat should stress him even more

11 months ago

Of course a second.

Not only does a cat need a firm partner that she has 24/7 each day, but also that is the constant and he is just too stressful for both your cat and your mother’s cat.

So you take your hangover several times a week from its usual environment, its precinct, and put it in a foreign territory several times a week. This is just stress for both, especially as your cat can’t live completely.

11 months ago

Of course I would get a second!

A few std “Freedom to Play” can’t make the rest of the time again!

Just NOW where he is so young he should be able to play when he wants and not only if you want to go to visit — which, by the way, can become difficult again with using the mature in a foreign territory!

The same also applies to your mother’s cat

11 months ago

Of course. It’s not like keeping a cat alone.