Colorado potato beetles besiege houses?
We currently have a huge number of Colorado potato beetles on the facades in our neighborhood, mainly on the plastered facades. We do have a field nearby, but I don't know if it's a potato field. They don't do anything, but they're not exactly pleasant to look at, especially not in such large numbers. We've even had to sweep them out of the garages.
Does anyone have experience with this, or do they go away on their own? A neighbor says she's lived here for 15 years, but it hasn't been nearly as bad as this year. Is it because it's potato harvest time or something?
The weather will be like this
or/and that the late potatoes are now harvested.
There’s nothing left to be swept together and dumped far away if you don’t want to kill them yourself. (Maybe you know chicken holders whose chickens they would eat? Not all chickens like them..)
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