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1 year ago

This depends on the conditions Your bank off.

Our local press reported some time ago by a pupil who had paid hard with his card during a stay in England and then had to find that his savings bank calculated him for each payment 5 euros (certainly an exceptional case, but may occur).

PS: It was the former association savings bank Goch-Kevelaer-Weeze, today Sparkasse Rhein-Maas. Other savings banks have other conditions, but you should inform yourself beforehand.

1 year ago

How much fee you pay depends on your card/bank. We can’t tell you that.
But in general, you’re better off in England with a card than with cash. There are enough places that do not accept cash anymore.

I have a separate prepaid credit card for traveling. I charge beforehand and can therefore pay for free anywhere. Take off money. And when she comes away, I can lock her back by app.

1 year ago

You have to look at your bank’s how much charge it requires. It’s always different.

Otherwise, if there is enough time: get a free account + card at zB Revolution. You don’t pay fees.

Cash is no longer accepted in many places in England, so you don’t have to take along.

1 year ago

Look at the conditions at the bank.

1 year ago

For most credit cards, 1.7 % more. However, as the bank rate is calculated, it will cost you only about 1% more effectively.