Karriere mit Naturwissenschaften?
Hallo, liebe leute!
Ich hätt mal eine Frage an alle Abgänger von naturwissenschaftlichen Studiengängen. Ich studier momentan Biotechnologie und Lebensmitteltechologie und möchte nach dem Studium eigentlich in die Pharma industrie oder Kosmetik evtl. mir iwann etwas eigenes aufbauen. Ich überlege aber auf Biomedizin oder auf Chemie umzusteigen.
Meine Frage also: Was sind so eure Erfahrungen mit welchen Studiengängen man die besten chancen/gehälter etc hat?
These are less scientific studies, but rather (bio)technical.
The pharmaceutical industry is generally regarded as a lucrative industry, as well as everything in cosmetics. In comparison, the food industry is a somewhat harder plaster.
If you want to build something yourself, you need an innovative idea and especially investors. In this area, it is expensive to build something own.
understand, and what kind of content you can expect as a beginner, and how you work best that you are in the leadership position at some point
I don’t know about Germany. But come to Switzerland, in Basel you can probably get the double salary. 😉
Someone once told me you didn’t get far.
But if it’s not guaranteed, it’s really just something that someone said to me. No more and no less.
So, you’re actually interested in spending your life in an employee relationship? Well, if you’re lucky, you might make it to humble 5,000 € net a month. How can you achieve that?
well, at least for the beginning I thought, but what are you doing about calling?
I live better from my rental income than any engineer. This was made possible by the successful sale of my long-year-old Rewe-Filiale.
no idea what your problem is looking forward to you that you did it like that, but you don’t need me as lazy titles anyway I’m just trying to inform myself
Why should I give someone a Rewe-Filiale just because he’s too lazy to even look for ways to raise capital?
That is, you want to give the questioner a Rewe-Filiale so that he can sell them to generate investment capital?