Karriere Kampfpilot?
Hallo, ich habe nun mein Abitur abgeschlossen und bin nun auf der Suche nach einem beruflichen Werdegang bei der Bundeswehr.
Die Karriere als Kampfpilot ist für mich ehrlich gesagt die einzig Attraktive.
Vorab, ich bin körperlich komplett fit, quasi makellos.
Nun zu meiner Frage : Für die Laufbahn muss man sich ja 16 Jahre verpflichten. Sollte ich mich also als Kampfpilot bewerben und während des Auswahlverfahrens ausgemustert werden, wäre ich trotzdem für die 16 Jahre verpflichtet?
Müsste ich mich also verpflichten, bevor ich die Gewissheit habe, dass ich auch Kampfpilot werde?
The selection process “Faircraft Service” is divided into several sections and is subject to high standardization. This is intended to ensure that only those applicants who have the highest possible chances of success come to the next selection stage. In order to be able to be hired as a pilot or pilot at the Bundeswehr, applicants must successfully complete three phases in the selection process.
The first phase is the successful existence ofrecruitment tests for officer candidatesin the assessment center for executives of the Bundeswehr in Cologne. Only then is phase two of the selection procedure followed, which takes place in Fürstenfeldbruck at the Center for Aerospace Medicine and consists of a psychological and a medical test. In phase three, the flying skills must be demonstrated by training flights at the flight simulator.https://stellstest-bundeswehr.de/bundeswehr-laufbahnen/bundeswehr-pilot-stellstest/
The duration of commitment as a combat pilot at the Bundeswehr is usually 16 years. If you are sampled during the selection process, you are not automatically obliged for the full 16 years. The exact details and conditions can be individual. It is recommended to consult the Bundeswehr directly to obtain specific information.
Good luck with your application!
Best regards!
Thank you. I’ll try to get an interview
Nobody commits himself directly for 16 years. Your service time is gradually fixed, depending on suitability. If you are suitable as an officer, but not as a fighter pilot, it’s only for the 13 years, but they’re “divided up”, then it’s your career to pass courses, after which your service period is set to the full 13 years.
Whether this is true to you will be waiting. Recently it has been found that the younger generation sometimes likes to overestimate itself.
The profession is primarily a soldier.
As a tip:
You should get a professional plan B, I have the impression that the Bundeswehr is not necessarily the right thing for you.
This then tells you the Air Force Medical Institute after the 3-day investigation.
Aircraft operator candidates are only required step by step (further). At first 6 months, at this time all medical and psychological studies are), then to 2 years, 8 years, rest period.