Karneval mitkommen?
Bitte komplett durchlesen, wichtig! 😭
Meine Kumpels fahren jedes Jahr zum Karneval nach Köln (wir kommen aus Hannover). Bislang habe ich jegliche Ausrede gefunden nicht mitzukommen.
Aber wenn ich ehrlich bin, will ich diesmal mitkommen. Ich bin seit 6 Jahren single und hätte schon Lust wieder “raumzumachen”. Und brauche meine “Menschlichkeit”.
Das Problem ist mein Alkoholkonsum. Ich trinke schon seit 10 Jahren (seitdem ich 17 bin). Ich finde kein Ende, wenn ich anfange. Leider.
Wie gesagt, fange ich mit einem Bier an, höre ich nicht auf, ehe meine Lichter ausgehen.
Ich will nicht aufzählen, wie oft mir Mist wiederfahren ist, als ich an einem fremden Ort besoffen war. Hunderte Euros gestohlen worden, 3x Handy und Brille verloren, 3x Schuhe verloren. Aber das ist mir übrigens passiert, als ich alleine war.
Meine Freunde wissen das, wir erzählen uns alles. Sie “versichern” mir auf mich aufzupassen. Aber ich weiß, dass sie auch nicht die hellsten Kerzen auf der Torte sind. Sie trinken ebenfalls gerne über den Durst. Wer soll da noch auf den anderen aufpassen können?
Ein anderer “Freund”, eigentlich der, der alles organisiert, hatte uns mal ein Hotelzimmer gemietet, hatte allein den Schlüssel, war zuerst “Zuhause” und hat keinen von uns reingelassen und hat uns beleidigt, sodass wir um 3 Uhr morgens von Hamburg nach Hannover heimfahren mussten. Wir haben ihm verziehen, weil jeder Mensch macht Fehler. Das war vor 3 Jahren.
Was ist der Rat? Vielleicht ist das die Chance für mich, meine Sexualität zu “reaktivieren” oder aber auch abzustürzen.
Your journey to Cologne to the carnival 👍 super idea, best city for it! Everyone will have enough fun. Best stay in a group and rent overnight opportunities there (as early as possible, not on the last pusher.) Make sure that you have a good basis when you start drinking. (not too much confusion, but you know that!) Otherwise, have fun and enjoy the drive in Cologne. 👍😎
If you’re predestined to baptize you quasi stupid and stupid, you might want to stay home. If you’ve been so much crap if you were alone, what do you think happens to mates when you swing each other, maybe.
And then try to have sex? Best somewhere between door and Angel…I don’t know.
But…I’m old 😉.I’ve done all this before.Make what you mean.😆😆😆
I can understand your motives. I still remember a very precise occurrence in an in- pub in the carnival called “Stiefl”. This pub was always (!) highly popular at carnival times and we are also down, with 4 men.
It was so disgusting at peak times that it was “almost” impossible to order a beer. These were passed on in a short time, from all people, across the heads.
At the counter, where we stood, was the fireplace. At the bare one leaned, strack like a thousand man, had an ashes there, likewise densely like a hoax. The one with the left hand threw the dumple out of the pants, in the right she held the beer glass. He, with more than glazed eyes, made everything happen. We, also all the men, laughed at us a branch and cried like the bulls. At the same time, we made bets if he grabs it, as full as he was.
He packed it, hammered his genes to the counter, over the hand of the trigger, they wiped the rest above their chest at the costume, they hit a new beer and finished. He blew his ding-dong back into his pants and turned towards Theke to order another drink.
This scene is not invented! And she has accompanied me ever since, on the subject of carnival in the Rhineland.
Other pubs. Anywhere in Siegburg? I don’t know. Anyway, the girls from the Deutsche Telekom Baskets died. Carnival. Even the giant girls make one. We were there too. Our smallest mate “Blocker”, who was so called because he was small and wide and stubborn, also had a neat slope to the slope. In any case, he was just behind one of those giant whites of the Deutsche Telekom Baskets. We spurned him, but he was already drunk. The lady, good and liked 3 heads bigger than him, so 2 meter device, turned around with super speed, bended down, and held his fist right in front of his nose…”TYP, if you dare this again, I’ll get you one in the hairdress you bleed.” Our friend Blocker was shocked, looked up and stabbed “Ey..isch-waardasssnicht” The olle looked short and said, “Do you still lie?”
I’ll never forget it and I’m almost pissed at laughter.
Carnival is horny.
I don’t want to lie, that sounds very horny. Such an action revitalises my soul. I am a “small” man of 1,72m.
Sounds like you want to go – so go and give yourself the edge 🙂 Don’t you take more money than you can hurt when you get lost and maybe you better leave the phone at home or take cheap spare parts?
Don’t quite understand why you can’t even celebrate in Hanover and meet girls…? Is the city so dead? 🤣🤣
I’m a couch potato and what you’re telling me, my friends tell me.
No Carnival in Cologne is not the chance to regain human proximity.
Not when you’re drunk. What if you woke up with ner xxx in your arm the next morning and who knows what kind of illness?
Your shields remind me of the figure Frank from the Shameless series. XD
If you can’t control yourself, you’re completely out of place at the carnival in Cologne.