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I was in the school choir
My (dead) mother was in a ring circle
My sister is in the church choir
Our family has always been sung
Today I like to wear songs from the radio with
singing frees the soul. And is what great
LG. Fishing
Singen frees the soul.
I like to sing and listen to others like to sing.
It feels so good to sing.
Continue singing with all hearts. I like to sing for my life.
I think that’s great – stay with me…
Music is Souls anyway – Balsam
LG. Fishing
When singing, you can forget all worries.
I can express myself.
singing is unique.
I used to sing in nature.
I find great. Many people don’t sing anymore. Shade
I have always been able to filter something for heart and soul while singing and listening to music. And that will never change.🎼🎶
Singinging is something great. Unfortunately people sing less today. I try to encourage others to sing and everyone who sings is a win.
Sing for your life
Singinging propels sadness and you feel alive.
I agree 100% to 👍👍👍👍
Thank you for the little star ⭐
There is a beautiful song
LG. Fishing
No. So it’s not nice 😄. I’d rather sing aleine and hide my favorite music from my parents, because they’re rock fans, and I definitely don’t. If then I sing alone, where there is no one in my room. Or my sister. It’s fun with her, because she doesn’t complain about my music style. A classmate from me can sing great. Sometimes at the end of a lesson she can sing something, that sounds so beautiful.
Great. Sing together and heart. Singen is so beautiful
Sing so much.
Joa, I’m hitting sounds and rhythm and so, but never had singing lessons, so I don’t have a real professional technique and so.
Very good. It is important to sing with heart. Sing for your life.
Just mut.
I do, but I prefer playing piano <3
I find it very nice to sing with piano. Sounds so beautiful.
Piano and vocals fit well.
that’s true. but to rachmaninow it is hard to sing :))
But feeling for sounds ….👍👍👍
yes, in any case <3
🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼 Super!!!
Yeah, but not nice. I’ll do it anyway. Strangers don’t know it’s me if they should hear it. My sister can sing so beautifully. Sometimes I sing with her. 🤩
Very good. It’s so nice to sing together. Also like to sing with known. Sings like to live for my life.
Cool. 😎
Stop, I can’t sing nicely.
Sing alone or together.
I’d like to sing for my life and then sing.
It’s so cool. Just mut.
Stop it!
I can’t sing nicely!
Leave me alone.
If you don’t believe it, it’s your bad luck!
It’s not like that!
Now stop annoying! From my point of view you can sing beautifully!
Hm naja, I can’t sing mega cock good, but okay would I say ^^
They told me when I sang that I had a nice voice.
I like to sing, but I could still improve it.
Very good. You like singing and singing gives us so much
Sings of heart and sing for your life.
I also like to sing.
Go on.
Singen is great.
I had lessons for a while. People pay for singing at their feasts. Seems to be okay
Very good
One hour every day. Otherwise the voice is not fit. Googel mal
well, I have been singing for 2 years, but I can’t sing well/beautiful
Yes, but the windows are closed….😎
Yeah, I can. But I don’t know if I sing well or not.
I’m sure you can sing well. You can do everything Bro.
Yeah, I can sing.
I’m in a band at school and singing there.
Very good. Singen is great.
Sings so happy
I know 😉
I can’t. But this is also an advantage if you want to scare some people politely.
Of course if you want that to burst your drums
Just jump
Boah i am Fan 🤩
Ah, okay.
German only needs to upgrade my English
brighto 😂
Nö and you?
I like to sing.
Oha I am also stupid someone who already sings as nick has to ask if he can sing 🤦 ♀️🤦 ♀️ ♀️ sry
No, you?
I like to sing. And then you like to sing like me.