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Hilfe !!!! Aufgabe b.)
He wasn’t just afraid. He was paranoid, he went to death because he saw a danger of poisoning everywhere and suffered persecution.
It’s not normal, it’s severely disturbed. A certain concern is normal. Everyone knows this thought when a water bottle does not swipe when opening, or a pack is already easily opened. In the thought, it was said, “Well, theoretically, someone could have done it!” But more shouldn’t be there. At Gödel it was extreme. His wife had to watch him die slowly because he didn’t want to eat, except cooked by her, which she couldn’t, because she was in the hospital herself. So no. It’s not normal, it’s sick, but I can still understand it. I am also sometimes plagued by illogical, excessive fears.
Gödel has proven that there is no algorithm that can answer the question whether the execution of an algorithm reaches an end. He was aware of the conduct of this statement. I would have developed fears in his place. Today’s AI believers have lost this knowledge. Because they call algorithms “intelligent”, although they cannot even decide whether another algorithm is capable of reaching a statement.
He has proven that there is not an algorithm for any algorithm that can answer the question whether its execution comes to an end. That’s something else, right?
But that doesn’t mean that there aren’t many algorithms for which you know they’re going to date, just as you can still prove a lot of things in mathematics, despite Gödel’s incompleteness.
can happen to any famous person
that can also happen unfamiliar people….
He was very ill