Kannst du kochen oder würdest du es gerne lernen?
Ich kann leider nicht kochen, obwohl das manchmal ganz hilfreich wäre 🙂
Ich kann leider nicht kochen, obwohl das manchmal ganz hilfreich wäre 🙂
Hallöchen, ich habe mir cappelletti mit ricotta Trüffel Füllung gekauft, weiß jetzt jedoch nicht welche Soße dazu passt. Ich will jetzt auch nicht großartig in der Küche stehen da es einfach eine schnelle Mahlzeit sein soll. Danke schonmal im Vorraum! 🙂
/ ablöschen Nur für Fleisch oder gibt es auch mediterrane Saucen für die man Weißwein verwenden kann und welche sind das (beispielsweise)
Ich habe momentan Spätschicht, und möchte gerne was warmes im Geschäft essen, wir haben eine Mikrowelle. Ich hab nur echt kein Plan was ich mit nehmen könnte? Habt ihr Ideen?
Das ist eine wasserfeste Sonnencreme die ich gerade dran gemacht habe. Wir gehen heute in einen Schwimmbad und ich habe mich schon Mal geduscht und die Sonnencreme dran gemacht. Ich weiß etwas zu bald, aber wie lange hält die Wirkung der Sonnencreme?
Tortelloni mit Spinat-Ricotta-Füllung Tortelloni mit Tomate-Mozzarella-Füllung (Kühlregal) Mache meistens Tomatensoße dazu, was passt denn noch (vegetarisches Rezept)?
When I moved to the woman about twenty years ago, I soon got married, a meal had to be on the table every night. She doesn’t cook while I enjoy it. In the resulting practice, I quickly acquired a routine in – even more demanding – cooking, before that I had confined myself as a bachelor to what goes simple and fast.
No one stares at me. (But this is almost all I can write positives.) I smell bad, but still fresh every day. In the school certificate there are “they have muddled”…
I can peel and cook potatoes, cook noodles, rice…all no problem. Short fried meats such as schnitzel, frikadellen, haehnchenfleisch, eggs etc. also a roast = all edible. Gemuese schnibbeln, schoen an or dune = everything super. Even sauces can I make myself – but cooking?? No, I don’t think I can cook properly. As I said, no one stares at me, my husband is satisfied with what I offer and the children almost only know Mom’s “Kochkuenste”. But if my husband cooks, I feel like a feast every time.
That’s what I did. I have eaten with the spoon neither knowledge, experience and skills.
Exercise is the master.
I can’t cook😂maybe a few noodles more but also not…
I want to learn
Well, I’m so good, but I can cook 🙂
Yes I can and I also cook fresh daily. I just love to cook, like to try out new ones and often have no problem with a three-course menu or a buffet for putting the 20 people on their feet. Cooking is just pure relaxation for me.
I still have a cookbook from the time there was no internet. And that’s how it was trying to do something. Some suggestions came from my grandma, because how do I get a good roast sauce?
From the Grandma you can learn best 🙂
Yes, it tastes better than ready meals and is cheaper.
Cooking can be learned. You don’t have to put the demands too high. It should simply be enough for a daily warm meal. Otherwise you live either quite unhealthy or you have to spend a lot of money.
How old are you?
13, why?
Oh, it’s still relatively normal not to cook. But you’re at an age when you can learn it well!
I like to cook well.
And what do you prefer to cook? 🙂
There’s nothing I love cooking. That I and/or my family are hungry for.
For example, there was a goose with red cabbage, lumps, rose cabbage, sauce…
But I also like to try new or unknown, for example from Arabic cuisine.
I can cook more badly than right.
Not yet in the coming New World, I would like to learn.