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We don’t know how it came to escalation.
That’s why it’s quite strange for me that many people are so quick to judge.
No 0 tolerance for such behavior. I can’t understand if people hire personnel for little things. But a supplier can’t do it if the store gives him the wrong order. I just wouldn’t have paid the Pommes and maybe complained to the remnant. But a guy who has to drive through the city for a few euros is just honorless. In addition, deliverypommes never taste. So he beat him for a few stubborn wet pommes.
No, that’s a normal thing, even if it’s not nice.
I don’t want to see him in other things. xd
Maybe he was starving.
Why then waste energy, which leads to even greater hunger? xd
Besides, it’s about Pommes, not money or something. Just different levels
Whoever does this has difficulties with normal thinking!
He could no longer think clearly through the symptoms.
Bearing in mind that the missing pommes surely have only brought the barrel to overflow, but that was already in its edge. The guy might have been left by his girlfriend in the morning, then the next gas price increase came into the mailbox, then he kicked out in dog bags, then his car gave up the mind and DANN FEHLEN THE POMMES! Yeah, well, I can understand that he’s gonna freak out.
The man is a changing energy collector, there is the beautiful word it suffices to draw a spark to a brand. It will not be the pommes that have made these men outticken but a chain of envious experiences before, so this is in overreactions.
I can’t stand people out because of little things
Little? It’s all about!!! It’s about Pommes!
And who knows how long the arms had nothing to feed. Could be that he took his last energy together to draw attention to the fact that the starvation death was shortly before.
If there’s a lot of going up, some people will burst. That’s why smile and talk… talk…
Although… if it’s about Pommes, I can understand…
Deliveries taste like shit so he actually did a fallen guy
Depends on which company…
They become imme soft and laby in 85% of cases
He should work urgently on his frustration tolerance – there is no justification for punching because it must not exist!
Whoever fails for this, has quite different problems than missing pommes on an order. That’s totally crazy. It’s in the lap, and it’s not pommes.
Impossible behavior.
Potato contains essential nutrients.
what I don’t understand about the storry: why doesn’t the police find the man when they know which address the pommes should be delivered. was that a burglar who had nothing to do with the apartment?
I guess he’ll be gone and certainly not waiting for the police at home.
Pommes about everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P O M M E S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I see that too!
Fodder….people can be so strange