Denkt ihr das kannbilen ein lieblings Menschenfleisch haben? Und gibt es ein unterscheide zwischen denn verschiedenen Menschen rassen und ihrem fleisch? und 2 frage Wenn ihr ein Kannibalen währt welches menschliche Rasse denkt ihr würde euch am besten schmecken und welches Körperteil und warum
I know that some cannibals, benefits and differences can be between
Older/younger women, children, men, white and not white.
And, no, I will not be able to imagine what part of the body could suit my taste😄
Your question is disgusting!
If you were allowed to believe old reports from museums, cannibals would like to ate their hands!
But what could have been a ritual.
After asking today, however, there is plenty of room for speculation.
Cannibalism in the historical context was where hunger prevailed and b.) where meat was not present or to very little at high population density.
A few years ago, I saw an interview with a native in Papua New Guinea, whose tribe had not given up cannibalism for a long time.
He said the meat on his hand at the approach of the thumb was very serrated and taste especially good. According to his information also good: feet.
White people don’t eat, they don’t taste.
Young female meat will be tenderer🤷 ♂️
I don’t think there’s any difference between skin colors
I mean not only skin color, I mean so countries bzh japaner/German/Franzosen
Umwel influences and diet can change the taste