Kann zahnseide, bzw unsachgemäße benutzung dieser, den zahnhals angreifen?
Ich frage dies, weil ich, seit ich seit einem gefühlten jahr zahnseide nutze, festgestellt habe, dass meine zähne gegenüber kälte immer empfindlicher wurden. Selbst bei essen von äpfeln fällt mir das mittlerweile auf. Davor konnte ich ohne probleme eis essen.
Danke im voraus
Yeah, you should take care of the gums. Some of them perform regular foliage work on the jawbone. There is also some caution when overcrowding. Dark tooth silk is helpful in this case. You can also save yourself the hectic pre- and zoracock, so it won’t be cleaner. It only attacks the gums.
Thank you for the first time, but I’m actually talking about the tooth neck, not the gum. Do you know anything about it? Because it’s a clearer difference between me. And as for the use of the tooth silk: I do not “saw”, I rather sneak up from below. Thought you were doing this.
The gum is the base. If this is damaged, this affects the entire tooth. Exposed dentistry can then be sensitive to irritation. It wasn’t meant to be. Everyone cares differently. These strong saege movements are only seen to be difficult.