Kann Windowes Bitlocker umgehen?
Habe noch wichtige Daten auf meiner SSD liegen und wollte fragen, ob es Möglichkeiten gibt wie man den Bitlocker umgehen kann, ohne das man die SSD zurücksetzt.
Habe noch wichtige Daten auf meiner SSD liegen und wollte fragen, ob es Möglichkeiten gibt wie man den Bitlocker umgehen kann, ohne das man die SSD zurücksetzt.
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Servus, ich möchte mir einen neuen PC holen und hatte bis jetzt einen Laptop. Ich möchte aber viele Daten von Windows C:/ auf eine externe Festplatte verschieben, unter anderem DaVinci Resolve. Wie kann ich das machen?
If your Windows is connected to a Microsoft account, it might be that the PC and the matching key can be found there.
Otherwise there is no way to bypass Bitlocker. This is the meaning of the software.
Protection would be useless if it (simple) can be bypassed. Experienced hackers know possibilities under which previous Bitlocker encryptions in conjunction with older CPU could be tapped in a comparatively short time.
But I don’t expect you to resolve your board, treat SSD with ice spray and perform other rather destructive actions that aren’t in the debate for lay people anyway?
So no, for 99.9x% of mankind, no way passes the encryption.
When activating Bitlocker, a recovery key is generated that you need for exactly such things. Just use it.
If the bitlocker would be so easy to leverage by just writing a question here and having the solution in two minutes – then Microsoft would have to be ashamed and would build something better.
Therefore, I don’t think it can handle him.
It’s not necessary.
Authorized persons have either the password, the emergency key or both. 🤷
Yes but I just don’t have this and on the Microsoft account it’s also nich to find on
If you were entitled, you would have the password.
There is no more to say.
With all the keys and access data you have to deal with – learn from it.
Actually, yes, because it’s my PC and the Bitlocker has set up my father and he doesn’t find the Bitlocker code anymore
Then you are simply not entitled to access the data of the SSD.