Kann Verschlüsselungssoftware veralten?
Ich nutze gelegentlich das Freewareprogramm “Sophos Free Enterprise”, das man bei Chip downloaden kann, um Dateien zu verschlüsseln.
Das Programm ist sehr benutzerfreundlich und man kann ein Archiv erstellen, wohin man Dateien verschieben kann, um sie zu verschlüsseln. Also besser als nur zu verschlüsseln wie mit dem Programm 7Z.
Auch kann man das Archiv in der Cloud ablegen. Quasi ein virtueller Container.
Das Programm wurde jedoch zuletzt 2009 vom Hersteller upgedatet.
Ist das problematisch? Oder weiß jemand eine gute Alternative?
Es gibt Vera, aber das ist, wie ehemals Truecrypt, nicht besonders nutzerfreundlich.
Depends on who you have something to hide.
You have no chance against governments anyway – they have almost unlimited possibilities.
If you don’t want the Aunt Waltraut to leave it, then probably a Caesar encryption is enough.
I would say Vera-Crypt is already a good medium and if you configure it accordingly, it is also very suitable for everyday use.
The only annoying is the fixed size of the containers but on the other hand, this also increases safety, because this allows less conclusions to the content.
I asked ChatGPT last night how long the best computer currently available, the 1 billion. Operations performed per second, need to crack a 20-digit password with small and large letters as well as with numbers and special characters.
Answer 57 trillion years.
There’s nothing going on with a government.
1 billion Operations per second is not fast, everyone creates some modern PC.
Moreover, it is not about guessing the password, but you want to decrypt the data. That’s something else.
Some time ago (over 10 years) I had once worked with a hard disk encryption program. The underlying algorithm was RC4.
The provider behautpete, the program has 2048 bit key width. This is already bullshit, because the largest theoretically possible key width at RC4 is about 1684 bits.
In addition, all files have encrypted with the same key. That’s a mortal sin at RC4. If I have a file of e.g. 2 MByte in encrypted and unencrypted form (e.g. a Windows system file), I can immediately decrypt the first 2 MByte of each file without even knowing the key.
Today, RC4 is considered to be insecure and it is assumed that the U.S. secret service NSA has the necessary computing power, the necessary amounts of data and the necessary know-how to decrypt RC4. As far as know-how is concerned, NSA is the world’s largest employer for mathematicians.
This is also not the method of applying government organizations
You don’t seem to be up to date.
There are states there you are being tortured or they are stuck in Forced or they infect your client in advance with a Trojan. Some manufacturers have also implemented backdoors.
The 20-digit KW can’t remember…
Then people write the passwords on a note or Word file with the name “Passwords”
And if you do not force people to take a cryptic KW with special characters in the company, then there are still the names and BDays of the children in there.
Only MFA helps
AES is (previously) considered safe.
However, bad implementations are dangerous, as in the example I mentioned.
Besides, the NSA is kind of creepy to me.
And if from the 57 trillion years only 1 thousandth of them are realistic, then I am giving myself 57 billion. Years of time satisfied, which requires a supercomputer for calculating the password.
I’m not a encryption specialist, but if professionals are told that a 20-digit password, encrypted in AES format, is safe according to the state of the art today to encrypt something reliably, then you won’t be able to tell me the opposite.
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On the one hand, there can be vulnerabilities in encryption, which are closed in current programs, then the running capability is no longer at all.
7Zip can also compile and encrypt multiple files to archives. Not just single files. You can even choose the compatible Zip format or your own 7z. Zip is even compatible with Windows itself. What your program uses, no idea. In 7Zip, you can also select different algorithms for encryption, even more recent, with even higher encryption.
Really! 7Zip has essentially the same functions as my program used. 👍
What do you mean?
The 7z file extension, which uses 7Zip as its own format as a standard, cannot decrypt Windows without additional software. If you select the .zip data format, you can open the data on any WindowsPC without requiring an extra program. Has the advantage that you can unpack the files anywhere, even if the program is not installed, or the program would no longer be running. Also WinZip, WinRar ect can read and unpack zip files. You are not bound by a program
7Zip can zip archives also encrypt with AES256, not only with ZipCrypto… Can be selected as a method…
But I just learned that for encrypting a zip file you need the Crypto-Zip encryption and that is outdated and no longer safe.
Thank you. Good to know.
With regard to the cloud
Yes, definitely! It teaches us the past. The eternal race of IT.