Kann sie wohl doch ohne mich oder wieso kam diesmal nichts?
Ich habe mit meiner Freundin abgemacht das ich maximal 10 Tage Pause brauche um zu entscheiden ob ich weiter machen will. Ich hab ihr den Grund nicht genannt. Sonst bei Trennung rennt sie mir immer hinterher und kämpft direkt am gleichen Tag. Diesmal kam nichts seit donnerstag. Ich habe erwartet das sie ohne mich nicht kann, da ich sie so kenne
I’m glad she won’t run after you. 😁 You didn’t expect that now, did you?
No, but what shows me
This shows that she is self-confident and the situation is currently under control. I hope she’s holding this up.
I am left by “her” but very often left! “He” is more cumbersome. 😉
I also find the absolute intellectual fulfillment in the conversations with the Fs……😬🤣🤣🤦 ♂️👋👋👋
It’s okay.
I know. But we had a good conversation. 😉
The questioner is the girlfriend himself. Here also often asks from the (apparent) perspective of the friend. Simultaneously with other acquaintances from their own. She asks a new name every day.
Okey 👍👍👍👋👋👋
You don’t tell me anything.
It’s too early! She can get weak. Turn off! So you don’t think about it all the time. Good Sunday. ☺️
The Fs.is a you…the trolls here well known among constantly new accounts…🤷 ♂️ times it is your own friend, times it itself….
But does she seem to be able without me or is it too early as it is only since Thursday
Yeah, right. Why should she? It may be that you have to grab the listener.
Why should she call
You can’t predict that. At least after 10 days, she calls again.
What day would you say Nix is coming? The whole thing has been going since Thursday today is Day 4
He’s already separated from you! Look at it and don’t bother him and his cousin… they want to get married soon…
You’ve obviously deceived
What does that show me?