Kann sich meine Freundin freiwillig in eine Klinik einweisen lassen?

Vielleicht eine etwas ungewöhnliche Frage, aber in einem Gespräch mit einer Freundin habe ich kürzlich erfahren, dass sie plant, sich nach den nächsten Ferien freiwillig in eine Klinik einweisen zu lassen. Ihre Eltern wissen darüber bisher nicht Bescheid. Nun frage ich mich, ob das so einfach möglich ist, sich freiwillig einweisen zu lassen. Soweit ich weiß, müsste eine akute Gefahr für sich selbst oder andere bestehen, damit man aufgenommen wird. Momentan sagt sie selbst, dass sie nicht suizidgefährdet ist, aber in der Vergangenheit vor Jahren war das wohl schon einmal anders.

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4 months ago

It can be introduced in a mental health care institution or specialist clinic if it undergoes a mental exceptional situation, it is acutely suicidal or otherwise there is the possibility that it wishes to hurt itself.

4 months ago

if it requires a stationary treatment, but does not have to be placed on a crisis station, then it can be placed on the waiting list for the psychiatry. It can be that you have been given a chance to get a place on holiday. However, she cannot assume that she is at the door of the psychiatry at the start of the holiday and is then taken up.

4 months ago

She can’t just get involved. It can only be a doctor or a psychiatrist.

The first contact point is the family doctor. However, this is usually only general media, who knows them to a psychiatrist and who decides after a number of conversations whether they have to be instructed or not.

Dates at the psychiatrist are hard to get. There’s a long waiting period. Sometimes domestic doctors also have a connection to a particular psychiatrist so that the patient gets help as soon as possible.

Your friend has to talk to the family doctor. It would also be good if she was there a few times earlier because of the history.

4 months ago

So psychatrie’s just going with acute danger. She can go to a psychosomatic clinic, but you have to apply for it first and that takes quite a long time