Kann sich die Dioptrien Zahl bei einer Kurzsichtigkeit verbessern im laufe des Lebens oder nur verschlechtern (26 Jahre alt)?

Also sagen wir mal ich bin auf beiden Augen kurzsichtig und hab eine Dioptrien Zahl von -4,0 mit 26 Jahren, besteht eventuell die Möglichkeit das ich auf einmal mit 30/35 runter auf -2/-3 Dioptrien komme oder ist das ausgeschlossen?

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2 years ago

I don’t know. But I’ve read that you’re going to be far-sighted at the age, and that’s why an existing short-sightedness can form back. But four diopters are a lot. I think it’s more about small values. But you can operate it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Michisigma

that is individual. I’ve had 1,5 dioptrics for 20 years, my husband has an eye disease Keratokronus, he’s almost blind on 1 eye.

2 years ago

No, there is no improvement in short-sightedness. With this weakening of vision, your eye, for whatever reason, has grown too long. The focus is before your retina and not on it, as usual. A sharp image is thus transmitted to your brain.

To be able to see your eye sharp again without glasses shrinkage, which is as little as the other organs of your body can.

Is there a certain age where short-sightedness stops?

Yes, there is. The growth of your eyes should be completed at about 25 years. If your eye no longer grows, your short-sightedness will no longer deteriorate.

With increasing age (40-50 years) the ages are still developing. This is produced by aging and thus stiffening the eye lens. As a result, the eye can no longer sharpen well in the near region. => The result: Now you do not see well in the vicinity (age vision) or in the distance (short visibility)!

Unlike many suspects, age vision does not raise short-sightedness, as both visual weaknesses have a different cause.

The solution of the problem is a sliding viewing spectacle or special contact lenses.


2 years ago
Reply to  Michisigma


2 years ago

This is just as impossible as you can come down from shoe size 47 to 45 at some point.
None of these organs is able to shrink, that can only be your liver or spine, but the eyes cannot.
From approx.40 you have to expect your eyes to become age-sighted, which means that the eye lens is no longer so flexible that it can change in the direction of the ball to provide a sharp image in the vicinity. Then your glasses only have to be weaker for the proximity, so instead of -4.0 in the -2.5 near, the distance remains.
Only with approx. 70, this age vision is also noticeable in the distance with somewhat weaker strength. But never in the direction of 0.0, you always stay short-sighted.

2 years ago

So I’m 19 and have -6,5. When I asked my ophthalmologist if it’s going to be better at some point, he only meant that it’s probably (not sure) going back into “positive” at the age. However, this is probably not the case with such severe missight.

But I still wish:)

2 years ago
Reply to  Michisigma

I’m not depressed. Sometimes I just ask myself why I have this bad luck. I also have many problems with my teeth, although I care well. Genetics also plays a role.

However, I know that others are getting worse. This sentence:” Others are much worse than hearing you,” but is not very effective. I think you have to assess it yourself.

2 years ago

My ophthalmologist and my optician both said that short-sightedness never goes away. I’ll be 16 and I’ll have -13,5/-3,0 and -12,5/-3,0 and sometimes think about how much and whether that’s going to rise. I’ve been wearing a lot of contact lenses for two years now and I’m very happy with it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Michisigma

-3,0 is my corneal curvature (cyl)

2 years ago

I can only speak of Me.

With Me this has deteriorated over time.