Kann polizei was machen?

Hallo, durch viele Probleme bei uns, da sich unser Stiefvater quer stellt, habe ich und mein Bruder uns ein Auto gekauft , uns alte Kennzeichen die vor 10 Jahren noch benutzt wurden besorgt, und fahren mit diesen Kennzeichen und Auto natürlich ohne Führerschein und ohne Versicherung sowie ohne Zulassung zur arbeit und zurück.( Ich weiß, es ist nicht ungefährlich.)Unser Stiefvater hat das ganze wohl an die Polizei weiter gegeben, damit wir mal angehalten werden und Ärger kriegen. Nur wir wurden bis Jetzt nicht angehalten, und lassen uns auch nicht erwischen.

Meine Frage ist nun, was kann die Polizei machen, gegen uns solange die uns nicht selber kontrollieren und feststellen, daß Wir ohne versicherungsschutz, mit ungültigen Kennzeichen, ohne Fahrerlaubnis und ohne Zulassung fahren?

Es ist Ernst gemeint, daher bitte auf Dumme Kommentare verzichten.

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1 year ago

they can, they even have to.

As long as they won’t catch you in Flagranti. i.e. either hit the vehicle on the road or hit the vehicle on the road, the cops can hardly work here.

Perhaps! would be thinking of a so-called dangerous speech. But as long as you’re not really caught, you can’t be locked up any other way. This is a very simple fishing experience. there are VIELE! they go to the police and blacken their neighbors, brothers, “friends” and so on. too wrong.

As I said, the suspicion must be followed and the police must. The police also have to weigh between the right of the citizen and the threat of danger. So out of my belly, I would say it should be allowed for them to just talk to you and make you realize that this is absolute madness what you are doing.

Let’s assume you don’t watch, and drive igrndwo ne Delle into a strange car. that happened quickly! Then who should come up for it and that is the most harmless scenario. Imagine you’re hurting another road participant. Without insurance on your part, this can mean that you, the person concerned, for example, will no longer be happy in the wheelchair of your life.

Pain money, treatment costs, costs for the disabled remodeling of the apartment…

Only regular trips for the patient to the doctor or to the hospital by taxi, on which he has a right to the injured person. will surely ruin you!

Lg, Anna

1 year ago

The only stupid comment is right under your headline. Driving without admission, insurance and driving license, license abuse…

Just get caught! Then you’re the stepfather anyway for a while. Should make you smart, what this can cost. Only without a driver’s license can make 2 years of construction.

If you have an accident, it’ll be interesting. Who pays if the tube is not insured?

Infringement of the compulsory insurance law is also not without and entirely by the way tax evasion. Gives a long time with free food and logging. Especially since one can clearly see the intention. isn’t just a test drive…

1 year ago

If you’re controlled, we’ll be very unpleasant for several crimes. And if an accident would happen, you would be liable for it and that can be very expensive very quickly. By the way, you’re not the only ones to do this. I don’t want to know how much car driving without insurance cover and how many drivers don’t have a license.

1 year ago

They’re gonna show up surprisingly.

1 year ago

As long as they can’t catch you, nothing can happen. And it is very rare to get out of traffic. However, if the car and number sign is known and displayed it is more likely of course.

Why does your stepfather want to take you on the eggs

1 year ago
Reply to  Kugelgreifer

Whoever is so stupid and drives without admission, insurance AND without a driver’s license, I would also go strong to the eggs. This is stupid, irresponsible and short-sighted. Who’s paying if you’re just causing a little car crash?

1 year ago
Reply to  EddiR

You are normal citizens you wouldn’t understand why you’re doing this. Some people simply don’t accept laws like others or have another threshold. It’s hard to explain if someone isn’t.

1 year ago
Reply to  Guteantwort251

If you’re constantly driving such a bullshit like the car… It won’t surprise me!

1 year ago

Did I evaluate the laws somehow? As I said, it is difficult to give such an attitude to an NB

1 year ago

And thank God that the laws apply to all! whether you like or not!

1 year ago

If the police get a hint, they can of course “see” according to your license plate.

1 year ago
Reply to  Guteantwort251

If your stepfather gave no tip to the police, he will have specified the license plate.

1 year ago

How horny is that? Sch…… build, and then make a mature confession here.


My friend, I’m a police officer, just read it here, you can pack your suitcase.

1 year ago
Reply to  Guteantwort251

Theoretically, the prosecutor’s office can find the IP behind the login data and then be identified via the providers of the user budget. If the facts are appropriate, here I can imagine, then there is a chance that the facts will be checked on site and then … will, depending on the situation, decide how to deal with the people. Here is a good intention, no discernment, lack of consideration in the wording of the question. If you still need money, tell the newspaper that loves such stories, maybe you have You’ll take a little while before the punishment comes.