Kann noch mein Paypal – Konto für immer löschen?
Kann ich mein pay pal Konto komplett löschen und mit den Daten vom alten Konto ein neues eröffnen(email)
Kann ich mein pay pal Konto komplett löschen und mit den Daten vom alten Konto ein neues eröffnen(email)
I just lost my bank card, walked all the way back, and couldn't even go shopping. What should I do? Can I get to the counter and get my money? Is it too late if I cancel it on Monday?
Also eine meiner Freundinnen hat einen acc und möchte ihr halt helfen viraler zu werden (sie hat noch keine Aufrufe).Wie kann ich das ohne Geld machen?
Hallo, ich habe bei Vinted ein Kleid in der Größe M an eine Dame verkauft, nun hat mir die Dame allerdings plötzlich geschrieben und meinte das sie das Kleid zurückgeschickt hat, da es ihr wohl zu groß sei, außerdem hat sie mich darum gebeten, das ich ihr ja wohl das Geld zurück überweise. Allerdings steht…
Hello, I have a subscription to a streamer on TikTok, even though I never purchased it. What could be wrong? And how can I see if I accidentally purchased it?
Can a PayPal account be permanently blocked due to repeatedly failed direct debit payments? Or does the account only remain blocked for a few days or weeks?
Kann ich mir minderjährig ein Paypal Konto erstellen ?
completely delete inet is sweet.
As a rule, some residual data are always stored, what is the reason wrong old?
As a rule, however, I would take another email.
If you want to insert another bank account you do not need a new acc.
I know I can’t completely delete it from the Internet I never wanted to. No there is more a problem because I have given my email earlier with 16 in an empay pal account that is now locked years later…. But I just decided to make a new email.
You can’t “delete” a PayPal account, even if this is repeatedly claimed by ignorant:
You can only make your account disable, the stored data is stored for at least 10 years.
PayPal has a Luxembourg bank license, is subject to banking laws and can certainly not be danced by minor birth data counters on the nose.
No, it doesn’t work.
Liars, data counters, identity frauds and AGB offenders, who have illegally registered with Paypal, are locked up and can use Paypal NIE again.
This is good for Paypal and this is good for all honest Paypal users.
No, a paypal account is unique.
I did not, I opened a new one about 1 year after termination.
If you haven’t been 18 years at the opening of the account, you’ll be locked in life.
Second account doesn’t go?!