Kann nicht zunehmen, egal was ich esse?

habt ihr dieses Problem auch? was kann man da machen?

bin m/18 1.77m 59kg

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10 months ago


Probably you have a very fast metabolism and are also relatively athletic? So you generally burn a lot of calories and it’s hard to gain weight.? Perhaps it would help you eat more meals (e.g. 3 large meals and 3 small meals) so between each meal a pudding/rock/nuts etc….

But if that doesn’t help, I’d go to the doctor.

Good luck!

10 months ago

Eat more in the evening before bedtime, and then not only sweet stuff, but also fat stuff. Make yourself a milkshake with cream instead of milk, peanuts are also good. Drink malt beer instead of water.
If that doesn’t matter, go to the doctor and check your thyroid gland.

I can understand you don’t feel comfortable, you’re underweight.

10 months ago

I recommend you go to the doctor and let it look.

10 months ago

Well, I don’t believe you. You don’t even call what you take to you.

What do you expect to be consulted if you simply throw it into the room without any concern?

What do you take to you, how much calories, how much sport do you do, what diseases do you have? Have you been with the doctor?

10 months ago
Reply to  KevinXP123

Yeah, but aren’t they much calories? What do you expect?

10 months ago

Do you have a fitness tracker? That you see how much movement you really have on the day? So how many steps you have on the day how high the pulse is that you just have about one bar how much calories you consume? I think that would be interesting again.

10 months ago

You are missing all the nutrients, what do you want to achieve with this perverse diet?
So I would still recommend you not to track a diet really for one to three weeks

10 months ago

For example, I don’t think you’ll take eight eggs to you every day or you’d have cholesterol in the end level. For example, with ten bananas every day, that would be 70 a week, I don’t believe you a word, you wouldn’t have constipation from this world.
So to give you a qualified answer, you need to track at least your diet for a week.