Kann nicht schlafen, muss aber gleich zur schule…?

Es ist 6 uhr morgens und ich fühl mich immer noch wach aber mein Körper ist schon echt müde. Ich muss um 9:40 in die Schule und bin dann ungefähr 15:30 Zuhause. Die letzten paar Tage habe ich am Tag geschlafen und in der Nacht war ich wach. Ich weiß nicht wie ich meinen Schlafrythmus wieder zurückbiegen kann. Soll ich heute am Tag nicht schlafen und zur Schule gehen und dann dafür heute früher Schlafen gehen. (riskant weil ich abends wieder wach werde irgendwie und das ist ja nicht gesund wenn man gar nicht schläft) oder soll ich lieber am Tag schlafen damit ich überhaupt bisschen Schlaf abbekomme?

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9 months ago

Good sleep (composition from 21.09.2023)

In young people, the melatonin rhythm is often somewhat delayed. That’s why young people often can’t sleep in the evening and don’t get out of bed in the morning. The active ingredient melatonin is one of the hormones that control the day-night rhythm, and is formed in the body from the nerve messenger substance serotonin in the circulatory gland (Pineal organ=epiphysis). The formation of melatonin is inhibited by receptors in the eye when light falls.

Notes for a healthy sleep (free after brain researcher Martin Korte):

Eight hours of sleep applies to a person under 25 years old as a minimum.

Take a life shift as regularly as possible and always go around the same time to sleep!

The best room temperature for sleeping is about 17° C.

Avoid light before bed and above all blue light! Don’t miss screen viewings at least 30 minutes before bed (especially interactive games)!

Take some sport during the day, but not just before bedtime!

Renounce alcohol and caffeine as much as possible!

Do not take larger meals before bedtime, but a small “bedding” like a piece of banana, some milk (maybe with honey) or a piece of chocolate can be useful to sleep. The amino acid tryptophan contained therein is converted into serotonin in the brain, which promotes sleep.

In order to get a meaningful sleep rythm again, it is also possible to take melatonin tablets. You should explain this to the doctor.

The cell repair processes take place in sleep. After 2 weeks without sleep, man dies of general organ failure. In addition, the growth hormone somatotropin is synthesized especially in puberty in sleep. This hormone is also responsible for fat loss and muscle building.

Too little or disturbed sleep has a negative effect on mental abilities. The consolidation of Gelerntem (school, sport, musical instrument) takes place in sleep. And on the other hand, the serotonin production is also reduced when sleep is disturbed, which leads to depressive moods.

So sleep well!

9 months ago

“The last few days I slept the day and the night I was awake.” That was your fault. Go to school, join the Zaehne and go to bed again at the usual time.

9 months ago

Magnesium calms and is good at school stress.

Because many stressful situations we simply have to deal with and cannot avoid them.

The precalculating feed of magnesium is therefore particularly important.

The dm drugstore there are tablets for dissolving in water, good and inexpensive.

Also drink enough water, at least 2 liters daily.

9 months ago

Yeah, but if you keep doing this, you can’t go to school anymore. If you’re going to school today, you’ll probably get tired and sleep after school.

9 months ago

Sleeping the day is exactly why you can’t sleep at night. Then why do you see that as an option? Of course.