Kann nicht mehr kauen wegen Zahnspange?
Ich habe heute meine feste Zahnspange bekommen und habe heute das Problem, dass ich meine Backenzähne nicht mehr ganz zubekomme, das heißt ich kann nicht richtig kauen und essen. Wird das besser oder muss ich nocheinmal zum Zahnarzt?
Hello, Johnny.
You were modelled on the molars. They prevent you from biting off brackets yourself. They also prevent you from chewing properly and tearing thin things off.
You should cut the food small and just chew where it is. The food just takes a little longer, but it works quickly automatically.
The teeth level quickly and then things get out.
Good luck!
Hello, Johnny.
You certainly got something on the backing teeth, so the contact to the backing teeth is gone.
The parts are annoying, but you probably don’t need that you’re doing my teeth off the brackets.
Start with soft things as you get used to it easier.
I wish for a quick reconciliation.
You get used to it – in a few days you can eat almost normal again.
It takes a time to get used to it.