Kann nicht mehr?
Ich kann im Moment einfach nicht mehr, und brauche dringend was, was mich glücklich macht.
Was macht euch glücklich? Gibt es ein lustiges Yt Video was ich schauen könnte ….
Ich kann im Moment einfach nicht mehr, und brauche dringend was, was mich glücklich macht.
Was macht euch glücklich? Gibt es ein lustiges Yt Video was ich schauen könnte ….
Hey gibt es außer dem Nimmergegenkummer chat und dem richtigen Krisenchat auch andere Chat möglichkeiten, so man schnell Hilfe bekommt?? Kostenlos
Hallo Hab draussen starke Angstzustände und viel Stress! Leide auch unter Dereasinilation! 😕 Bin 20 Jahre Männlich nehme kein Alkohol! 😕👍🏻 Hat jemand Tipps gegen Angstzustände?😕 Mag Fussball, lesen, zeichnen, zocken! 👍🏻😕 Bitte Ratschlag 😕
Also ich war damals so 8-10 Jahre 4 Klasse, und ich weiß nicht ob das wirklich so passiert ist ob das überhaupt passiert ist aber, ich hatte einen crush und wir hatten uns nach der schule getroffen wir waren da alleine wir hatten eigentlich spaß und wir haben die ganze zeit geredet bis er mich…
Leider hatte ich bisher fast an jedem Arbeitsplatz das Problem, dass ich ausgenutzt wurde. Ich bin leider ein sehr hilfsbereiter Mensch, der schnell und effizient arbeitet. Oft habe ich auch angesprochen, dass ich es nicht einsehe, dass ich übermäßig viel leiste, während andere nur ein Minimum erledigen. Habe dann auch einfach mal Arbeit liegen lassen…
Hey ich hatte heute einen Traum und zwar das mein Bruder in meinem Traum Tod war und ich quasi an Friedhöfen seinen Grab gesucht habe, hat es irgendeine Bedeutung? habe im Internet gelesen das es was mit einem neuen Lebensabschnitt zu tun hat, ich muss nächsten Monat meine 2 jährige Haftstrafe antreten hat es vielleicht…
Hallo, Ich bin seit ca. 2 wochen arbeits und obdachlos… Ich kenne keine der mir Helfen könnte. Ich versuche Arbeit zu finden es ist aber noch schwieriger wenn man nichts zum essen hat und am Flughafen schläft und rumpendelt. Ich war ein verkäufer im Segment der luxusgenussgüter. Kann mir jemand ein Rat geben was ich…
Hey, so funny videos I wouldn’t recommend right now. Personally, this doesn’t help me because I’m just getting sader and hanging back in front of my phone – and that doesn’t keep me. What helps me, is really good mood music, best party music with a really good vibe. I often make a little dance session, and that lifts my mood right away.
Sometimes I just make myself a cup of tea or cocoa and watch a nice movie because then I really need distraction. That gives me a good feeling. Or, if I feel really bad, I cuddle with my cuddly animals – that gives me a sense of protection and security and somehow makes me happy again.
I wouldn’t tell you to talk to your family doctor or a therapist about it if you didn’t. It can help you thirsty over a longer period of time to get support.
And if it’s really not at all, you can also contact crisis services like CrisisChat, which is reachable 24/7. I’m sure they have more tips.
I definitely hope that this can help you. :
And what movie could you recommend?
• Where the lie falls (Netflix)
• Family Switch (Netflix)
• Turkish for beginners (Amazon Prime)
• The Beauty and the Beast (Disney+)
I will:)
Then look at the first two so at least the one where the lie falls. He’s such a romantic comedy. And the other one is suddenly the children in the body of the parents and the parents in which the children are actually quite funny, but I would prefer the first.
The last two are:)
I have so much strength (both internally and physically) when I go to sports
Music and complete focus on your training. You’re full and happy after that, because you’ve done something and from time to time you’ll get what makes you proud too.
In addition, there are so many nice people at the gym who like to help you
Just try it, a lot of success!
I would propose to you to start thinking about writing a story as it helps me for years and then I come quickly to rest and think of nothing other than to end this story.it need not be a very long or lead diary that also often helps over much.ivh hope I could help
I know that, I’m fine. You get used to it… At some point, it’s normal to just survive every day…
Drawing, painting or other creative? Enjoy and relax. You can hear podcast or music
How about you deal with Islam?(:
He doesn’t give you temporary, but lasting satisfaction.
No thanks, am atheist
Maybe that’s why you’re dissatisfied. your life does not follow any meaning. you live, die and forget.
No, I don’t think so, Tim.
You say that you think your faith is right, just because you believe in it without external influence since little.
That’s why I brought the comparison with the flatearthers.
We are discussing something quite different from what religion is right about. I just think your argument is very stupid.
I started working actively with it when I was about 15/16 years old
We don’t have to discuss that with religion you never agree
But there are those, so you learned from them and was influenced
most not, no
I’ve told you several times that no one has spoken to me.
Me. Got it. This one. Get out. Wanted. And. Found
Practicing (being, fasting)
hard to say. How do you define Muslim? practicing or simply calling yourself a Muslim?
Yes, but you believe in something that has been spoken to you by people.
That’s not the point. it is about you saying that you feel it as a truth simply because you believe it since childhood without external influences
So your family isn’t Muslim?
You can’t compare that.
If your family, any book and a community tells you that the earth is flat, it doesn’t mean it’s true.
No. I wasn’t educated Islamic at all. as I said, I searched my way to truth myself and found
and if you think as a child that the earth is flat without anyone telling you, do you feel that true?
But your family is definitely Muslim when you believe in Islam. Meaning you learned from them. With me God was no subject, never
I’ll die and come back to the world sometime. For a time I no longer exist in the world until I was born again
I’ve believed it as a child without any religion. This is the truth for me
I’ve never been told anything, I’ve dealt with it myself and found the truth.
I still didn’t understand your message. how can it be called to die if you are still on this world only in another body?
and how do you say that you believe it since the primary school?
I didn’t talk to religion at that time and I started to believe in something, so I think what I believe is true.
yes, so I believe in a God, but not the one in which everyone else believes. I believed that since primary school
then you are not an atheist
Yeah, but that’s how life is. And that doesn’t make me sad. I think it’s more like coming back to the world and that’s a kind of cycle.
Sitting in front of the screen is not a solution.
Go out and meet people.
My motivation is missing for this right now. I prefer to stay at home
That understandable, but not good .
The VIdeo may cheer you up:
Thank you, but not mine. I don’t know
I find fun, but well, maybe look for help with the psychologist or with other familiar people, maybe someone can help