Kann nicht aufhören zu weinen?

Vorher beim zug fahren waren 2 aus meiner schule und ich habe halt gehört wie die gelestärt haben mich haben die damit beleidigt das man mich schon von 6km sieht und irgendwas mit dick

ich kann einfach nicht mehr ich wiege doch schon 50.6kg bei 1.56cm andere sagen ich wäre dünn und jetzt das ich weiss nicht mal ob ich nachdem überhaupt was essen will..

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2 years ago

Talk to your parents, good friends or nice teachers about it.

You’re not fat, you’re good as you are. I don’t know why the two think you’re fat. They’re probably just about being mean.

Ignore such people and find better, positive people who support you.

2 years ago
Reply to  lovepie

It’s not about you taking the idiots into account, doing what they want.

It’s about you turning around with nice people who are good to you. You can easily ignore the debris.

2 years ago

Honest opinion, was laughed out a lot earlier because I couldn’t get a good German or eyebrow hadn’t been well maintained. But I didn’t let myself go down there. I’ve always said I’ll pay your wages with my taxes because the resint four have to apply and if it doesn’t go then just go and tell her about me when you say a problem frankly best friends we’ll never tell me in the face and not behind my back because that’s just fig rats. They don’t get a word.

2 years ago

You’re thin. They just want to hurt you to hurt you. You could do everything right and they would still talk. So there’s nothing to do with it.

You stand above them because you are a good person and can sleep quietly at night without a bad conscience. Later you will be very proud of it.

2 years ago

They didn’t mean you at all, but because you probably have a disturbed self-image, that was about you.

So relax and eat can pringles;)

2 years ago
Reply to  lovepie

As mentioned earlier… They knew they’d meet you with a sensitive point.

Of course, that’s only fun in her eyes… so fuck the dog on it;)

2 years ago

You must’ve heard. Your weight is nonsense.

2 years ago
Reply to  lovepie

Then forget these fools.

2 years ago

Calm down. You felt good in your body a few days ago. Nothing has changed since. You’re not fat. Don’t let anyone tell you that.

2 years ago

Then they know exactly what you’re going to do with that, and they told me to trigger you with it.

2 years ago

Too fat for who? Do you feel fat yourself?