Can photovoltaics on the roof of an apartment building be used to supply electricity for the tenant's electric car at a reasonable price?

Or are there official requirements because the electricity generated by the solar modules must also benefit those without electric cars, regardless of the owner's opinion on the matter?

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2 months ago

I assume that you ask hypothetical for the situation that it is a multi-family house in which the landlord does not live.

The topic begins with who the PV system belongs.

If the landlord builds it, he can decide whether to feed the recovered electricity completely into the public network or whether to make it available to the house dwellers. In doing so, he could easily decide to leave this electricity to only one rental party or to give several the opportunity to save.

Accordingly, the infrastructure must be equipped with counters that accurately measure how much electricity comes from the individual tenants of the PV system. Accordingly, he can then sell this electricity to his tenants at a much cheaper price than normal. For example, for 20 cents per kwh instead of 30 cents.

Possibly, the possible roof surface decides whether it makes sense that an e-car is charged regularly or whether the current yield is not sufficient anyway. Suppose there is enough space, the landlord could install a wallbox to which each tenant can connect and ultimately also determine who when, how much has tapped. Or he gives only one tenant the opportunity to load his car and not all others.

As you can see, the home owner is in principle free in deciding who should benefit from the PV power.

If the owner does not want to install a PV system, but a tenant would like to do so, then the tenant should bear in mind that at the moment when the system is installed, it belongs to the owner of the house, because it is firmly connected to the house and is integrated into the house installation in such a way that it cannot be uninstalled easily. It would therefore be important to conclude a contract with the landlord, which clearly regulates what should happen financially at least if the tenant eventually pulls out and the facility will remain in existence. I do not know whether such contracts already exist. I think it’s quite difficult to imagine, and I can only imagine that in such a case the landlords will lease their roof.

3 months ago

The only regulatory requirements for private PV (small) systems connected to the public power grid are the obligation to register with the network operator/supplier and in the market master files register.

Installations > 600/800 VA possible Infeed power by the inverter also consists of the duty of plant acceptance by a certified electric vehicle operation.

After that, you can choose whether you want to have a feed-in allowance for excess PV energy from the network operator/supplier, or whether you want to consume this energy completely by yourself, for example by “zero feed”.

2 months ago

I think it’s a year-by-year bill.

My sister lives in her home almost stromautark.In the winter months, some electricity is supplied by the provider.

But if the E cars pull the power for everyone, that would not be a balance in the amount of use, because you have to heat anyway. If enough battery capacity is in the basement, which all tenants can heat the winter over and then is still available enough for the E cars, this is not a problem. However, if all rents are given to cash, because 1-2 e-cars are loaded, this is a disadvantage for the remaining tenants.

2 months ago

This is only related to a tenant current model.

With a small PVC, theorethical is also possible, only enough because the 600/800 watts are not enough to bring nominal power into the car.

3 months ago
Reply to  lisaloge

Here it is only to add that this answer differs from my answer in that I wrote from a private facility tolerated from the landlord to the tenant, while this is a PV system provided by the landlord to his tenants. πŸ˜‰

3 months ago
Reply to  Gnurfy

The questioner wrote “on the roof”.

In this case, installations fitted by the tenant are also conceivable in proportion to the roof surface, but rather (yet) are not present in practice.

3 months ago

That’s what it looks like, but other people with similar questions may read in this thread sometime.

So my answer to one possibility and your answer to the other option. :-

3 months ago

Look, both would be possible.

The questioner may decide which of the two options applies. πŸ˜‰

3 months ago

It’s just a question of the content issue itself. Some landlords allow their tenants to install a plant themselves for their own use on their building or on their property.

Therefore, only the reference to the tenant private facility or landlord service between our two answers.

2 months ago

Look for tenant current models. There are three approaches as your landlord can do. That’s his decision. Whether he offers it to one or all tenants is also his decision.

But he could also leave the roof to you and then you would be the operator.

3 months ago

Not at the moment, it’s too dark.