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Herpes is a virus that carries most people permanently from childhood and is reactivated as soon as our immune system is weakened in any way, for example when you have been through the night or another infect begins.
Have I not eaten healthy, etc
This has nothing to do with eating healthy. No matter how great you eat, the immune system is weakened for some reason for every human. The examples I mentioned were just examples. You can go to Herpes and then find enough information.
I would say the Fs feeds on the contrary of healthy when you already see a typical double kine and fat deposits in the face
Sure. Nothing to thank.
Thanks for your help
That’s right, it can spread. And don’t worry, it’s very common.
I have and so thank best not to scratch or so
maybe Herpes?
I don’t know
Lip hearts
Oh, how’s it going away?
Go to the doctor or to the pharmacy, you can use a cream then it goes away again
Can’t be in training and I can’t just get there
A tooth gap.
Mouth and tooth gap. nose indicated