Can someone explain IOS 18 to me a bit?
So yesterday I downloaded the latest iOS version. My dad said I always have to have the latest version. Anyway, now I don't really know my way around my gallery anymore. Can someone explain to me where everything is? (And I have an English phone.)
Thanks in advance for the answer!
What exactly do you want to know, maybe I can help you
So I don’t know where my albums are now, and can you hide it or if I go to people, how can you go to all so you can see all the photos?
for the albums you need to scroll down a little bit, they’ll come sometime. If you want to see all the photos, you just have to scroll up. And if you want to display or hide something( Albums may be hidden) scroll down to the end and then you can adjust and reorder things.
So I don’t want to give my must everywhere, but I always said albums 😅😅😅
the majority of “Album” is “Alben”. Not ‘bums’
Very welcome
Ah ok thank you!