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1 year ago

You shall replace direct and indirect objects with direct and indirect object pronouns. Of course, the meaning must be lost, i.e. at the beginning it is not yet possible. It will be interesting from there:

  • [Les] conté de tu fiesta a mis padres.

Actually, the sentence should begin with Les, because indirect object pronouns are mandatory. They’re showing the tripod. I don’t care.

Here you replaced mis padres, which are the beneficiaries, with les (because plural) and de tu fiesta, what the passive part is with lo (because something).

  • Se lo conté. Les lo becomes se lo. It is better to say if direct and indirect object pronouns are present, the indirect ones in the 3rd. Person (le, les) to se.

Even the next set would have to contain the indirect object pronoun, which indicates the Dativ:

  • [Les] di la dirección a mis padres.

Here you start again the beneficiaries of the action with les (because 3rd person Dativ Plural) and la dirección with la (because 3rd person femininin in the Singular).

  • Se la di.

The sentence doesn’t make any sense, because nowhere is the address before. So it would be better not to replace la dirección:

  • Les di la dirección.

Mis padres already occurs before both sentences, so it can be replaced.


It’s not easy. But maybe it helps. Try it yourself and put the answers in.