Kann mir was passieren?
Hallo, ich habe gerade jemanden auf snapchat richtig beleidigt weil ich sauer war und jetzt will er mich finden und sagte warte ab bis ich dein standort herausgefunden habe, er hat von mein nutzername screenshot gemacht. Kann mir was passieren? Und kann man über snapchat den standort herausfinden?
If you have your location, maybe. But I think it’s just empty threats. If you can’t get help. I don’t know how you insulted him, but I think he’s just trying to scare you, because finding a location is definitely very expensive
In Germany an insult is a crime.
If the insulted ad is reimbursed, a follow-up is possible in principle.
But can he somehow find out my location?
It’s unnecessary if the authorities take it. 🤷
Neiiiinn all good is not
What if he hacks my snapchat?
I say yes.. I find you everywhere, even here you are not sure of me! 😡
Do not make a head how to find you 🤷 as long as you haven’t passed an address.. are 99 percent anyway laber bags 👍
What if there are any specialists or so, you have very anxiety
Oh, shit. What are the people of public life supposed to say the 100-fold murder threats?