Kann mir noch geholfen werden?
Ich brauche eure Hilfe.. Ich weiß nicht, was ich tun soll. Ich weiß auch nicht, ob ich noch Hoffnung haben soll. Schon so seit dem Alter von 12 war ich richtig insecure wegen meinem Aussehen. Keine ahnung wieso, aber ich war’s einfach. Ich wurde auch oft von Freunden ausgeschlossen, dann hatte ich voll wenig soziale Interaktionen. Ich glaube daraus haben sich bis jetzt soziale Ängste gebildet. Depression wahrscheinlich eine Folge davon. Aber das schlimmste was ich gerade durchmache sind meine Gedanken.. Ich weiß nicht, ob sie OCD Gedanken sind, aber ich hoffe es ist nicht der Fall. Denn ich krieg zb einen komischen Gedanken und mein Gehirn steigert sich so darin hinein und versucht mich zu überzeugen dies und das zu machen. Natürlich hab ich noch Selbstkontrolle, aber es macht mich von Innen einfach nur kaputt. Ich fühle mich ehrlich so lächerlich, ich versuche ganze Zeit Bestätigung zu bekommen, dass ich normal bin. Dass ich ein guter Mensch bin, kein schlechter. Wegen meinen Gedanken die letzten Tage kann ich kaum schlafen. Ich wache 10 mal in einer Stunde auf und gehe aufs Klo. Ich hab das Gefühl mich übergeben zu müssen, wenn ich das versuche kommt dann nichts raus, weil ich kaum was gegessen habe. Mir fehlt der Appetit, ich kann mich nicht richtig auf Sachen konzentrieren. Ich werde oft wegen meiner Psyche körperlich krank. Ich hab mich in den letzten Tagen kein einziges Mal glücklich gefühlt. Meine Lehrer meinten schon damals, dass ich emotionslos sei. Wahrscheinlich scheine ich emotionslos draußen, aber ich könnte jede Sekunde innerlich weinen. Mein Herz rast jede Nacht, ich schwitze, die innere Unruhe wird immer schlimmer. Meine Gedanken enden nie.. Ich solle aber in so einer Woche zum ersten Mal zur Psychotherapeutin.. denkt ihr sie könnte mir helfen?
Heyyy I personally have nothing to say but these are details of chatgpt
I’m sorry you’re in such a situation. Your description shows that you are struggling with very stressful thoughts and feelings, and it is an important step that you have already sought support. What you describe – internal disorders, lack of sleep, physical symptoms and stressful thoughts – suggests that you are under high mental stress, possibly caused by anxiety disorders, forced thoughts (OCD) or depression. However, only one specialist can provide an accurate diagnosis.
Your symptoms and thoughts:
Internal rest and sleep disorders: These can indicate both anxiety disorders and overload of the nervous system.
Compulsory thoughts: These often occur in stressful stages of life and are typical of forced disorders, but also for people with severe stress. Important: These thoughts do not define who you are human.
Emotional and physical symptoms: appetitelessness, nausea, sweating and the feeling of restlessness are typical reactions of the body to sustained stress or mental stress.
Can psychotherapy help?
Yes, psychotherapy can help you understand your thoughts, feelings and reactions and deal with them better. A therapist will first thoroughly analyze your situation and, together with you, develop a plan that is tailored to your individual needs. For example, you could learn:
question and change your thought patterns: Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can be very helpful in case of forced thoughts or exaggerated self doubts.
Dealing with fears: breathing techniques, relaxation techniques and targeted confrontation strategies could help you.
Reduce your inner tension: Methods such as progressive muscle relaxation or mindfulness can play a role.
Steps you can take until appointment:
Guide diary: Note your thoughts and feelings. This can help you identify patterns, and it is a valuable basis for your first therapy session.
Structure in everyday life: Try to maintain even small routines (e.g. regular meals), even if it is difficult.
Calmation strategies: Relaxation exercises such as deep abdominal breathing or short meditation can ease acute rest.
Professional emergency aid: If the thoughts become overwhelming, do not hesitate to contact a crisis hotline or seek medical help.
Your first appointment with the psychotherapist is an important step and there is legitimate hope that you will find support and relief. Therapy is a process that takes time, but you will learn to deal better with your thoughts and feelings. That you have the courage to talk about your situation and look for help shows how strong you are – even if it feels different.
Should If you need acute help, I recommend that you contact the medical standby service (e.g. 116117 in Germany) or an emergency number. You deserve support, and you don’t have to go this way alone.
I’m sorry to hear you feel that way. It really sounds like an extremely busy time for you. Your experiences with self-doubts, social fears and intense, stressing thoughts are serious, and it is an important step that you have realized that you need support. The fact that you have an appointment with a psychotherapist is a good step, and she will be able to help you understand and address the different aspects of your mental health.
Psychotherapy, especially cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), is very effective in treating fears, forced thoughts and depression. It will not only help you understand your thoughts and fears, but also give you tools to deal with it and control it. Your thoughts, which are repeated and burdening you over and over, could indicate forced thoughts (OCD), but only one specialist can make an accurate diagnosis. It is important to know that you are not “abnormal” but that many people have similar experiences. These thoughts and feelings can be alleviated with the right support and therapy.
It is also important that you look at your body. Your physical symptoms such as sleep disorders, loss of appetite and inner rest are frequent companions of mental stress. Try to listen to your needs, even if it’s hard, and give yourself permission to get help and get help. You don’t have to carry this burden alone.
Even though it feels hard now, there is hope. The path to improvement is not always straight, but it is possible, and you have already taken the first step. It is courageous to seek help and you deserve to be supported.
If you feel that your thoughts become overwhelming, it is important that you entrust yourself to someone, be it your therapist, a friend or a family member. They can support you even in difficult moments.
Crazy…has found this right at chatgpt
“Research” specified.
What? I just answered nicely so that such disgusting sayings don’t come out…?
May God help you and guide you. Amen
What do you want from mine?
Before that it would be best to write in brackets ChatGPT 🙂 No matter what happens now
Hey, I’m sure this therapist can help you. Have courage and don’t give up!
Even you have certain qualities that no one else has.
Do you have hobbies?
Paint, write, music, mathematics, sports… there are zig different ways to make something great.
Ask yourself what interests you and don’t concentrate so much on illness.
Focus more on your healthy parts. If you can’t, your therapist will help you.
All right.
Yes, you shouldn’t give up the hope that you will be helped competently. Many of what you write are known symptoms. You will be helped, let it go.
I also had a heavy time – alcohol abuse, depression, sc thoughts and attempts.
But today I have defeated everything and am stronger than ever. Hold on.
Here are basic tips to deal with the situation: you can talk to a person. There are free nautical services on the internet and via the phone. You can also go to a psychologist.
I’m Christ. Faith helps many people. God loves you. If you want to know something that convinces me that there is God, you can ask me, for example, or go to my profile.
Yes, psychotherapists can help. They’re not doing anything else.