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1 year ago

No, no one can tell you.

Probably there is a liability behind it.

You will have used a product or service worth 25 euros.

Click on the debit, often called an invoice or more exact reason.

If you still can’t understand, call the bank and book the money back if possible.

The creditors then report to you if they want the money and will also justify what.

1 year ago

Hoelogic KfT is a well-known Hungarian company that is increasingly behind Datingbetrugs pages and Abomodels without compensation.

Consumer protection At/DE urgently warns against cooperation with this company as there are massive problems.

25€ could be a debit of a dating page that pulls you back. You have to cancel this immediately or to consumer protection to stop it.

1 year ago

Again such a great question….

Yeah, everybody, because we all have access to your account.

Turn on brains & ask bank, or the provider.

1 year ago

You probably bought something there.