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2 years ago

needs help?

On Facebook there are the group Wild Birds Emergency. There you can ask if the bird needs help or not.

If the bird needs help, further instructions can be given in the group.

So, before intervention only in the group ask whether intervention is necessary or not.

First you have to make an application request, write that it is an emergency. And then, after the request has been accepted, you can post a post in the group. Write the facts about how the bird goes, etc. Post one or more pictures of the bird and also a picture of the feather (if available).

If you don’t have a Facebook and you don’t want to sign up there, please post someone else (family, friends, acquaintances, classmate, workmate, neighbor, …) a post into this Facebook group, this person can then forward the information to you.

The group is experts, they can help you better.

If this is not an emergency (and you just want to ask what kind of bird it is), you can contact the Facebook group “Rund um die Wildvogelhilfe”.

2 years ago
Reply to  natal1e998

In the Facebook group mentioned above, a care center can be imparted to the bird, other suitable places may be mentioned* or veterinarians who are competent (many veterinarians do not know well with wild birds, so the animal should be a competent veterinarian).

But still in the group ask if intervention is necessary or not.

* You have to pay attention so you don’t harm a bird. On the Internet you often get false information that can be harmful or even fatal to the bird. Ping birds should be left to experts.

2 years ago

seems to be a bird, but I’m not sure because you can see it badly on the photo.

2 years ago

Very difficult to see. It’s a squirrel. Watch them and if nix is then just leave them

2 years ago

A very dead acorner

2 years ago
Reply to  natal1e998

I thought to see a lying on the ground.

It’s a sitting bachelor’s bird. Apparently, an ass who’s fluttered.

2 years ago

That’s a bird. Evtl young oak horns.

Leave him alone

2 years ago

Son owl or something?

2 years ago
Reply to  natal1e998

…and an owl is not a bird?