Kann mir jemand mit „Augen in der Großstadt“ helfen?
Guten morgen,
Ich war eine lange Zeit nicht in der Schule, weil ich krank war, und schreibe demnächst eine Arbeit über das Gedicht „Augen in der Großstadt“. Ich muss vieles nachholen, habe jedoch kein Material zuhause und komme mit meinen Klassenkameraden nicht mit. Könnte mir vielleicht jemand eine kleine Gedichtsanalyse machen, damit ich irgendwie weiterkomme?(Ich meine Paarreim, Kreuzreim, Sonett usw)
I’ve been gogling for you once:
Poem analysis: Kurt Tucholsky – Eyes in the city – http://www.abiturhelfer.de
At first glance, this source seems serious to me. But I didn’t read the text exactly.
Consider that the German teacher may be. knowledge of this Internet source. So you shouldn’t be able to learn everything literally, and you should just spit out mechanically at work.
But a follow-up can’t hurt. And if possible, try to make your own thoughts that do not occur in the analysis template.
Learn about the poet Kurt Tucholsky in general, about other works he has written and about the historical circumstances.
The city’s density is its own poetry, about which there is a thick Reclam book. Maybe another poem is opposed in work, so you should compare something. Behave for it.
Okay, thank you!!!
No. We can help you analyze the poem. But we don’t write a complete analysis for you here. You wouldn’t want to learn anything about that.
What exactly do you want to know? What do you need help?
So, I meanwhile understood what cross-reimes and pair-reimes are, but not Sonette, Quartet, Terzette, Metaphers, etc. Maybe you could just tell me what terms there are all in the poem, and I will find out where they are. So with terms I mean this: Sonett, Quartet, Terzett, Metapher, Allegory, Enjambement, Anapher, Alliteration, Assonance, Symbol, Personification etc.
Well, then Google helps you define the terms, you don’t know them yet and with this knowledge you can then work out and analyze the corresponding features of the poem.
No, I can’t tell you what’s in that poem. First, I’m not a German teacher, secondly I don’t know which of these things you did in class and thirdly, my own school time is too long to remember all the details.
All technical terms can also be checked.