Kann mir jemand meine Frage beantwortrn?
Die SO2(g)+Cl2(g)->SO2Cl2-Reaktion wird in einem 5-Liter-Behälter durchgeführt, in dem 10 mol Cl2 und 5 mol SO2Cl2 hinzugefügt wurden. Das Gleichgewicht wurde erreicht, wenn 20 Prozent des in den Behälter gegebenen Substrates wirkten. Finden Sie die Konzentrationen im Gleichgewicht.
(Die Anfangskonzentrationen sind SO2 = 1 M, während Cl2 = 0,5 M, aber wie finde ich heraus, welche der Substanzen gewirkt hat?)
So we produce sulfuryl chloride from SO2 and Cl2:
SO2 + Cl2 ⇄ SO2Cl2
The amounts of substances are n0=10 mol for SO2 and 5 mol for SO2 Cl2, corresponding to the ratios c0(SO2)=n0/V=2 mol/l or c0(Cl2)=1 mol/l. And we already have the first problem: to become an educt and a product together in a pot and to wait for the adjustment of equilibrium is possible, but on the other hand more than just a little eccentric.
Here I am completely standing because I have no idea what is meant by “substrat”, and the word “act” gives no meaning to me. Somehow you have to find out how to read it.
The equilibrium is reached when 20 percent of one of the substances have acted in the container.
how should I understand “impact”?
Equilibrium was reached when 20 percent of one of the substances introduced into the container acted
Probably means the here as much as ♪. On this basis, I can write an answer.
But Cl2 and SO2 Cl2 cannot react with each other. It would be possible for some of the SO2 Cl2 to decompose into SO2+Cl2 (but it does not fit too) with each other), but a different reaction can only take place if there is something other than Cl2 and SO2 Cl2 in the pot.
The SO2(g)+Cl2(g)->SO2Cl2 reaction is carried out in a 5-liter container, where 10 mol Cl2 and 5 mol SO2 Cl2 were added. Equilibrium was reached when 20 percent of the substances put into the container rich with each other.
In order to save me further riddles: add the whole English text of the task, without any translations, omissions or additions to yours.
many thanks
So in tight it is called temperate