Kann mir jemand meine Frage beantwortrn?

Die SO2(g)+Cl2(g)->SO2Cl2-Reaktion wird in einem 5-Liter-Behälter durchgeführt, in dem 10 mol Cl2 und 5 mol SO2Cl2 hinzugefügt wurden. Das Gleichgewicht wurde erreicht, wenn 20 Prozent des in den Behälter gegebenen Substrates wirkten. Finden Sie die Konzentrationen im Gleichgewicht. 

(Die Anfangskonzentrationen sind SO2 = 1 M, während Cl2 = 0,5 M, aber wie finde ich heraus, welche der Substanzen gewirkt hat?)

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2 years ago

So we produce sulfuryl chloride from SO2 and Cl2:

SO2 + Cl2 ⇄ SO2Cl2

The amounts of substances are n0=10 mol for SO2 and 5 mol for SO2 Cl2, corresponding to the ratios c0(SO2)=n0/V=2 mol/l or c0(Cl2)=1 mol/l. And we already have the first problem: to become an educt and a product together in a pot and to wait for the adjustment of equilibrium is possible, but on the other hand more than just a little eccentric.

The equilibrium was achieved when 20 percent of the substrate placed in the container acted

Here I am completely standing because I have no idea what is meant by “substrat”, and the word “act” gives no meaning to me. Somehow you have to find out how to read it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Waves08

how should I understand “impact”?

2 years ago
Reply to  Waves08

Probably means the here as much as . On this basis, I can write an answer.

2 years ago

But Cl2 and SO2 Cl2 cannot react with each other. It would be possible for some of the SO2 Cl2 to decompose into SO2+Cl2 (but it does not fit too) with each other), but a different reaction can only take place if there is something other than Cl2 and SO2 Cl2 in the pot.

2 years ago

In order to save me further riddles: add the whole English text of the task, without any translations, omissions or additions to yours.