Kann mir jemand helfen, kann das wircklich echt sein?
Kann jemand mir sagen ob das echt sein kann, das wenn man von Dollar Pay pal zu Euro schickt dass man da eine wechselgebühr zahlen muss
Kann jemand mir sagen ob das echt sein kann, das wenn man von Dollar Pay pal zu Euro schickt dass man da eine wechselgebühr zahlen muss
Meine Freundin kommt nciht in die pushtan App Sparkasse nicht rein… sie hat Legitimations id und anmelde Name aber denn Registrierungscode findet sie nicht…. Kann sie einfach in eine Sparkasse in ihre Nähe gehen und die Daten anfordern obwohl sie in einer anderen Stadt angemeldet ist? Sie ist in blumberg angemeldet aber wohnt in Singen…
Ich bekam eine komische Überweisung
Ich habe die Münze gegooglet und teilweise wird sie zwischen 400-1200€ angeboten bei Ebay. Wollte wissen ob es sich dabei nur um Wunschpreise handelt oder sie wirklich so in dem bereich wert ist.
Hallo, wie kann ich erkennen, ob eine Zahlung an mich per PayPal Freunde oder Kommerziell mit Sicherheit gesendet wurde? Danke + MfG
No. This is a classic fraud!
With PayPal must never the receiver Prepaid feeto receive a payment. This is simply deducted from the amount to be credited and thus Calculated.
The method: “Pay a small amount to get more money” is a classic fraud. In the end, as the victim, you are going to get the fee and, logically, you do not get any money.
https://www.paypal-community.com/t5/Sales/Gb%Chr-f%C3%BCr-Paying-Out-the-Out-of-the-Out-country Providing/m-p/3179088/highlight/true?profile.language=de
Okey thank you
Yeah, that’s correct. PayPal takes fees for currency conversion, as is common with other banks.
Google You do this, there is also an exchange rate calculator from PayPal
Okey and that’s also correct that I have to pay as a recipient? Unfortunately, I don’t think so much about it and also fear if my bank account is linked to Pay pal that what can happen, can they tell me what?
What should happen is that PayPal pays its fees or Your transactions accounted for. And it’s finally there. For the fees, see here:
In your case, apparently, the opposite has indicated that you are carrying the fees, at least I read that. Gruss
To be honest, I am horrified to read something from you as a community expert, to support the fraud and to lure the victim into the trap.
With PayPal must never the receiver Prepaid feeto receive a payment. This is simply deducted from the amount to be credited and thus Calculated.
The method: “Pay a small amount to get more money” is a classic fraud. At the end, the victim gets the fee and logically does not get any money.
https://www.paypal-community.com/t5/Sales/Gb%Chr-f%C3%BCr-Paying-Out-the-Out-of-the-Out-country Providing/m-p/3179088/highlight/true?profile.language=de
Hold on, not so fast. From the given information and the pictures, at least I could not see that it could be such a case. From my point of view, this was about exchange rate fees for dollars to euros. And I answered that. 🤷
But that is not in the sources that I have read and I have not assumed a fraud. 🤷
At least you did not deny your explicit demand. It should have been made clear in my eyes that it does not have to pay, but that is charged.
Okey Thank you