Kann mir jemand helfen bei diesem Lückentext?

Hallo, habe es jetzt lange probiert aber komme nicht mehr weiter, habe leider erst nächste Woche Bücherausgabe und google übersetzer ist nunmal nicht gut. Ich wüsste aber nicht wo ich einsehen kann was die korrekte Übersetzung der oberen Wörter ist, wenn ich die hätte wäre mein Leben gerettet, Danke im Voraus!

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Danke im Voraus!

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2 years ago

Yes, I want you to learn Spanish and not Google.

First of all, some verbs are reflexive. They have attached in the basic form -se: dormirse (sleep), ducharse (sweep), lavarse (sweep), irse (walking), levantarse (both), acostarse (sweet, go to bed).

There you need to use the reflexive pronoun: me, te, se, nos, os, se. For the other verbs not:

Soy Susana. Tú, ¿quién eres?

2 years ago

In your text only the verbs duchar / levantar / acostar/ dormir / ir reflexive, so duchars = and showers), levantarse (surrect, literally: rise), acostarse = and go to bed), dormirse (= sleep ≠ sleep = dormir) and Other (= go away) are reflexive.

Then why do you write something insane like “Me soy Susana (= I am Me Susana) or “Mi familia y yo nos desayunamos (= My family and I have breakfast us?🤣 Are you cannibals?). ¿Te estudias? You study/learn?

Go through the text again and correct it.

  • empezar = Infinitive: But the day beginst. So: El día emp_ _ _ .
  • I’m up at 6. = Me levanto a las seis de la mañana. Y tú, ¿cuándo te levant _
  • La clase = Singular, las clases = Plural. What end has the verb “terminar” in the plural?
  • tener clase = teaching
  • You can already play your favorite songs. = You learned and practiced this. You Knowhow it works. So what are you writing? Ya _ tocar mis canciones favoritas.

You can set the letter in a corrected version, and we’ll look again. Good luck!

2 years ago
Reply to  Elijah2354


  • empezar = Infinitive, but you must conjugate: Mi día emp_ _ _ muy temprano.
  • Please translate: When do you get up? – ¿ Cuándo t_ lev_ _ _ _ _ tú? This doesn’t make any sense in the context!
  • What do you always do in the morning, but your parents always do in the evening? This is definitely sensible, because then there is no crowd.
  • What belongs in German into the gap: After breakfast __________ the Institute / the School. – Now translate this in Spanish. Not: I learning the Institute. That means: Estudio en el instituto. But it says: …. al instituto.
  • Las clases = plural. So please conjugate correctly!1
  • have the clase = lessons. Please translate: How much time do you have lessons?
  • After the Institute/ After the School _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What is in German? What’s that mean in Spanish?
  • You haven’t done the set with your favorite songs yet. You just smashed the reflexive pronouns. That’s not exactly a big performance.

I’m not looking at it until you fill all the gaps.

I’ll give you some help. In German dreaming we have of someone. It’s funny with the Spaniards. It means soñar con alguien/algo. So… of I say to you, Sueño thetigo. ♪ of my husband, then I say, Sueño the mi marido.

1 German: der Lehr (Singular) = Spanish: las clases (Plural), German: die Menschen (Plural) = Spanish: la gente (Singular). You always have to learn and remember what is in the foreign language Other is as in mother tongue. What’s the same, you don’t have to remember. You do that automatically.