Kann mir jemand einen Text ins Englische übersetzen?
Hey, ich fliege bald in die USA und muss einen Text für meinen Austausch Schüler schreiben, zum Beispiel was meine Interessen oder Sorgen sind. Nur das Problem ist ich kann überhaupt kein Englisch. Ihr fragt euch jetzt *warum fliegst du dann In die USA ? * Frankreich wäre ja noch schlimmer und es ist eine sehr wichtige Sache für mich. Also wäre ich unfassbar dankbar wenn ihr mir denn Text auf Englisch schreiben könntet. Bitte achtet nicht auf meine Rechtschreibung ich habe eine schweche dafür…
Hi Steve
Mein Name ist Julie und ich bin 14 Jahre alt. Ich wohne in Niedersachsen und komme aus der Nähe von Lüneburg. Ich lese sehr gerne und spiele ab und zu mal Handball. Ich habe gehört, dass sie mir ihre high school zeigen werden. Ich bin schon aufgeregt und freue mich neue Leute kennenzulernen, und eine richtige High school zu besuchen.59 Meine Sorgen sind nur das ich Angst habe mal etwas falsch auszusprechen, mein Englisch ist nicht gerade so gut, aber ich denke das ich das schon hinbekommen werde. Mich würde30 interessieren, wie ein typischer Schultag aussieht? Was gibt es so für Aktivitäten? Ich fraue mich schon sehr auf die neue high school.
LG Julie
This is a rather steep plan – to fly to the USA, but no English can.
If you had at least made an effort to write your own English version… and with mistakes in the German, the translation program is not so good.
So I think you should just reconsider these plans. The U.S. is a far more strange country than most Germans think, and with zero language skills, you’ve been thrown up.
Either you put GEWALTIG in your stuff and at least get up a minimum of English or you’ll spend your plans for 1-2 years and gain a little more knowledge and maturity.
Sorry if that sounds hard now, but the US can be extremely hard, especially for exchange students.
Simply use the following automatic translator: https://www.deepl.com/translator
Google is also very good: Automatic Translator Google
German would be:
Hey Steve, my name is Julie and I’m 14 years old. I live in Lower Saxony. Do you know Lüneburg? There’s my home town nearby. My hobbys are reading and playing handball. The last not very common, but occasionally. You told me you wanted to show me the high school. I’m curious if the high school looks like in the movies. And I want to meet new people from the USA. I’m worried about my English. It is nciht so good and the debate may sometimes sound wrong. But I will try otherwise I will describe it if I don’t know the word. But now a few more questions: how does a typical high school day look? What can I do next to school? Are there any electives?
I look forward to high school
Hey Steve, my name is Julie and I’m 14 years old. I’m living in Lower Saxony. Did you know Lüneburg? In the near of Luneburg is my homecity. My hobbys are reading and playing handball. The last one not very often, but sometimes. They told me that you will show me the high school. I’m interessted if it looks like a highschool in a movie. And i want to meet new people in the USA. I’m talking about my english. It isn’t so good and the pronaunciation could sometimes so worng. But i will try that and otherwise i discribe it, when i don’t know the word.but now a few question: how looks a typical highschoolday? What can i do after school? Are there any elective courses?
I’m really looking forward to high school.
Bye Julie
Your own words:
a lot you want to write, there is not really in English. The adoption of LG can best be translated with best regards, but it is only formally used.
Thank you very much
disassemble with the text and learn more urgently. If you can’t even write a text, I’d rather see it black.
Hi, Steve!
My name is Julie and I’m 14 years old. I live in Lower Saxony near Lüneburg. I like reading a lot and I play handball every once in a while. I’ve been told that you’re going to show me your high school. I’m very excited and look forward to meeting new people and visiting an actual high school. I’m just balancing that I might mispronounce something since I don’t speak English all that well but I think I’ll be able to handle it. I’m wondering what a typical day at school looks like. What kind of activities are there? I really look forward to high school.
Best wishes, Julie
Please learn at least a little better English before fleeing to the USA. If you can’t even formulate such a simple text in English, you’ll have real problems there.
I know I want to thank you very much
from pretending and from doing this to you, you don’t learn anything. Your motto should Learning by doing! will soon be able to translate such short English texts.
first translate yourself and then place your translation for review and, if necessary, Correction here, how to make a shoe.
I recommend this vocabulary a good (online) dictionary, for example pons.com and for Grammar ego4u.de and English aids.de. Get away from GoogleNauseaand his colleagues.
Another tip: If you don’t have 1 to 1 translations, you shouldn’t hang on to words or words, but re-formulate, then the translation is often easier.
When the beakfish crumbles, the heare rotates under the dining board. (You’re going my day!)
Use a Google translator… And a question: How do you want to do this? Someone will certainly ask you about your text and you can’t practice it. So get tight, sit down and learn.