Kann mir jemand ein günstiges aber gutes gaming Setup raussuchen (bin nicht der beste)?
Moin hab schon so lange mit ps4 gespielt hab jetzt seit gestern doch Bock auf PC kann mit jemand ein gutes Setup schicken hab schon alte Tastatur,Maus von meinen Eltern und ein Headset Geschenkt bekommen das ist neu das Headset auf jeden Fall brauche ich monitor PC und mauspet
You can buy mousepad in the expert or find out what you like.
Thanks Bro 🤜🏼
Wait AbuSayfullah I didn’t see the PC because price I didn’t have to sign up
PC costs 800€ with which all games can play liquid in high graphics, the screen is perfect for gaming.
happy, ciao.
Seems like an experienced PC player to be thankful and sweet day still
I’ve got another, I’ve got two three years. But with the components installed in the PC, I can assure you that you can play any game on high graphics.
OK yes thank you buy me 👍🏼 have it too or what?
Hab so 500-1000 budget would not go over a thousand (is a lot of money)
https://www.dubaro.de/GAMING-PC/HardwareDealz Editions/HardwareDealz-700-NVIDIA Edition::3689.html
Take the PC, which is price/performance by a lot better than that the other user has proposed.
Thank you.
Hi, look at the Ueirschrift PC Games Hardware. The show the best combinations in different price classes