Kann mir jemand diese Häkeanleitung erklären und die Häkelschrift zu unten, verstehe sie nicht richtig, habe das Gefühl, Maschenzahl stimmt nicht überein?


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1 month ago

Yes the stitches in the diagram are not total 128, that is just a cutout from the rows called the cutout one would repeat until the end of the row. If I understand it correctly, you crochet 10 sticks, 4 air stitches, 10 sticks, 4 stitches and then repeat from 10 sticks. That would be the first row, in the second you have 2 sticks in one stitch before and after the 4 air stitches.

But it can also be good that I’m fooling myself, there are similar instructions for zig zag covering on YouTube which may be a bit easier to follow

1 month ago
Reply to  aymy2

You’re crocheting into the gap you’ve got through the airmasks, so not straight into the airmasks.


That would be a similar tutorial on YouTube that I found and otherwise there’s drop design when you go on videos or tutorial in the tutorial as well n video as someone crochets maybe you understand it better.

1 month ago

In the case of crocheting, the stitches (A1) to be crocheted are drawn before the repeat (A2), which is the part of which is repeated several times, and the stitches (A3) are drawn after the repeat. It saves space when you draw the part that is repeated only once and not as often as it is actually crocheted.

If you want to crochet a stick around an aerial arch, you do not puncture in a stitch, but under the aerial chain and pick the thread under the bow.

1 month ago

I looked at the instructions and remembered that I don’t like those of Drops at all.

You can try to get help there.