Kann mir jemand den Unterschied zwischen San A, B, C erklären?
Hey zusammen,
ich bin frisch im Katastrophenschutz-Team meines Kreises und höre da jedes Mal die Begriffe San A, B und C, aber verstehe den Unterschied noch nicht ganz.
Was mir gesagt wurde ist San A = Sanitätshelfer, San B = Rettungshelfer und San C = Rettungssanitäter.
Jetzt verstehe ich aber den Unterschied und die unterschiedlichen Funktionen / Aufgaben / Verantwortungen nicht ganz.
Außerdem meinte ein Kamerad, dass man nach dem San C eine Fortbildung zum Notfallsanitäter machen kann. Aber das kann ja nicht sein, das ist ja eine richtige Berufsausbildung.
Danke für eure Hilfe!
No, that’s not true. The San A, San B and San C are in principle only purely internally regulated qualification levels for medically trained personnel. For medical training, there are no statutory provisions, so that in this area any training aid organization can cook its own soup and defines the training period, the training content and the examination regulations itself. A medical training takes between 48 and 80 hours, depending on the training organization, between one and two weeks and builds on a first aid course. Depending on the aid organization, the designation for the helpers trained in this way also differs and is “Sanitäter”, “Sanitätshelfer” or “Einsatzsanitäter”. In the past, a division into the San A, San B and San C training levels has been absolutely common here. In the meantime, however, the vast majority of aid organisations offer only uniform medical training with the above-described temporal extent. As a rule, if this subdivision still exists on site, the training to the San A takes two days, the training to the San B two days, i.e. a total of four days, and the training to the San C then once more two days, i.e. then a total of six days.
In principle, there are the following professional qualifications:
1. Rescue officers. National legislation, duration in most federal states a total of 320 hours consisting of 160 hours of course with written and practical examination at the end and 160 hours of internship, which, depending on the federal state, must be completed at 80 hours in the hospital and 80 hours in the rescue service or fully in the rescue service. Assisted in qualified ambulance transport to the ambulance and is also the driver of the ambulance (KTW). In emergency rescue, he is no longer used today.
2.) Rescue paramedics. Overall, at least 520 hours of training. At least 160 hours of rescue aid course with final exam to the rescue aider, 160 hours of hospital internship (order i.d.R. in 80 hours of anesthesia/OP and 80 hours of emergency admission or intensive medical station), 160 hours of internship in rescue service at an approved teaching rescue station and at least 40 hours of rescue aid Final course/examination course with final written, oral and practical final examination to the rescue agent. In some federal states, the allocation of the duration of training is now also 240 hours of course, 80 hours in a suitable facility for patient care, 160 hours of internship in the rescue service at an approved training station and 40 hours of completion course with the final examination. Rescue Rescue Rescue Rescue Supports Rescue Rescue Rescue to the Rescue Rescue Rescue Rescue Rescue Rescue Rescue Rescue Rescue and, if applicable, the Emergency Medical Officer for Emergency Patients on Rescue Cars (RTW). In the area of qualified ambulance, they are responsible for patients who are not (acute) emergency patients, but who, due to their medical condition, require medical-technical care and/or the equipment of an ambulance (KTW).
3.) Rescue Assistant. This training, can be since 01. In January 2015, there are still rescue assistants. A total of two-year vocational training with a state examination at the end of the first training year and a so-called final interview, a kind of re- oral examination after the end of the second training year. Among other things, there was the possibility of a shortened training for rescue assistants. Prior to the introduction of the emergency medical certificate as a professional image, the highest non-medical qualification was in the rescue service and was used as a responsible transport guide in emergency rescue on ambulance (RTW). In some federal states, there are also transitional periods which allow the use of rescue assistants in this position.
4. Emergency paramedics. Three-year vocational training in accordance with the Emergency SanG Act and the “Training and Examination Regulation for Emergency Medicines and Emergency Medicines” (NotSanAPrV) adopted pursuant to the NotSanG with a final, ten-part state examination at the end. In accordance with its training goal defined in § 4 of the Emergency Suitability Act, emergency rescue is used as a responsible transport driver on ambulances (RTW) and provides and assists emergency patients with responsibility. In the presence of the relevant legal requirements (§2a NotSanG or on the basis of standardised work instructions from the local medical director Rescue Service-ELRD), they also apply so-called health and invasive medical measures such as the administration of certain emergency medicines independently.
There is also no possibility for rescue medical personnel to be able to shorten the training as emergency medical equipment. This is not provided in NotSanG. As a result, rescue medics with many years of professional experience in emergency rescue must complete the full three-year training as an emergency medic. However, until the end of this year, rescue assistants still have the possibility to obtain, in accordance with §32 NotSanG, the professional designation “emergency analysts” via a state supplementary examination and, depending on the professional experience, a previous further training or alternatively on the participation in the state examination, is meant to obtain the full examination. Mf
I don’t know, but the Internet knows that:
For emergency emergency medical medical medical medical medical devices see: