Kann mir jemand den 3d-druck erklären?

Man soll ja mittlerweile sogar Waffen damit “drucken” können . Aber eine Waffe ist ja nicht aus papier , muss man dann auch Metallplatten , Plastikplatten usw kaufen ? Dann hätte man ja eine halbe Baustelle daheim . Wenn man online dazu liest klingt das als wärr es so einfach dass ich stellenweise echt geglaubt habe es wird mit Papier gemacht . Klärt mich auf

Ps: ich möchte keine Waffen Bauanleitung , es war nur ein Beispiel. Kann man genauso gut auf Spielzeugautos übertragen

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2 months ago

The 3D printer melts plastic. This is rolled up on rolls as a “final bar”. This plastic “prints” it then on a plate in the shape as it was previously created and was sent to the 3D printer… These plastic rolls (filaments) must of course also be bought. The shapes have to be created via 3D CAD itself or you are looking for finished motifs on the Internet. Some free, others may have to pay, depending on the model and provider page…

There are also resin printers “Resin”, but I’ve never been busy… But is similar principle, only with a resin instead of plastic…

And there are even metal 3D printing. There, metal powder is sprayed through a fine nozzle and heated directly to such an extent that it becomes liquid for a short time and then cools off again and becomes solid… But that’s nothing for home…

2 months ago

There are various techniques which, however, basically print in the same way.

In most printers in the hobby area, plastic is pressed into a hot nozzle and thus melted. Similar wi in a hot glue gun. Just a lot more subtle.

The nozzle is moved and places the plastic on a surface. If everything is printed in this oeuvre, the nozzle moves somewhat high and places the next layer on the already printed material. Thus, the pressure layer grows around layer.

In metal printers working with lasers, a laser radiates into a metal powder and melts the powder. The powder is then recoated once and the laser welds the next layer to the already melted layer. In this way, the pressure continues to increase.

Resin or also synthetic resin printers can also be found in the hobby area.

Here, a tank with a transparent floor is placed on a screen and filled with resin. Now the pressure surface moves downwards and leaves a tiny distance to transparent film of the tank. On the screen, an image of the first layer with ultraviolet light is shown. Everywhere the light meets the resin, this is hardened. Then the print bed moves up a tiny bit and the screen displays the next layer. Thus, the pressure layer is constructed for layer.

The whole process is called additive manufacturing.

A 3 dimensional workpiece is produced from many 2 dimensional planes.

2 months ago

The 3D printers available for normal consumers can be used to process plastic. The most common method here is FDM (Filament Deposition Modeling) in which a plastic thread (Filament) is melted and applied layerwise by a nozzle.

SLA (stereolithography) 3D printers are also found in so many hobby workshop, but much less. Liquid synthetic resin is likewise cured in layers by UV laser/projectors/displays.

In both cases, a plastic part is obtained at the end.

3D-printed weapons:

A commercially available 3D printer is therefore not sufficient for a firearm. Particularly for the barrel and the ignition system, components are often required which cannot be printed at home 3D.

Conversely, for example, the attack on Shinzō Abe showed that you do not need a 3D printer to build a weapon. The assassin used a weapon consisting mainly of a few pieces of wood, simple metal pipes and adhesive tape.

So you do not need a 3D printer or any special tools to build a firearm. In fact, a 3D printer is not the best option to build a gun. Plastic is often too weak and the heat that arises when the weapon is fired can already melt it. 3D printers often do not have the precision necessary for a precision weapon. With a lot of know-how and work you can use weapons 3D printing, but it is not easy.

There are 3D printers that can process metal, but they are large industrial machines that usually cost 100,000€ or more. So they are no longer relevant for this discussion, because it is not possible to run something secretly in the basement.

What you cannot build 3D printing, or with a bit of wood and adhesive tape is the ammunition. Whether it’s a conventional weapon, a 3D-printed weapon, or one that is made of bonded scrap – they all need ammunition, or are useless without ammunition.

3D printers are only tools. Since you can make weapons with almost every tool, there is no reason to worry about 3D printers more than other tools. Anyone who has access to tools and knowledge is able to build a weapon.

Therefore, the conversation of self-built weapons should be less about 3D printers, but on the one hand about the accessibility of ammunition, on the other hand, about construction plans for weapons. Also when using a 3D printer, you need 3D files that serve as a construction plan.

2 months ago

Printing with the gun is also net so horny because plastic does not resist the forces and the gun is already broken after a shot.

You just pack filament in the printer and select the model and can easily print it with a few settings for filament etc.

2 months ago
Reply to  KaiDerHai275

Printing with the gun is also net so horny because plastic does not resist the forces and the gun is already broken after a shot.

Well, for that, there’s the metal 3D printing… It’s nothing for home…

2 months ago
Reply to  KaiDerHai275

and the gun is already broken after a shot.

Terrorists are enough.

2 months ago

This is a printer correct with material mostly sun plastic tools there are different types you can easily buy.

If parked in the printer similar to ink, then what you want to print has to enter in the pc so that it prints exactly what you want. Of course, can also go next to it.

2 months ago

You can imagine a 3D printer like a hot glue gun in a robot arm. The printer has no ink and also no paper, it melts layer for layer a special plastic (filament, usually ABS, PLA or PETG) and puts this plastic on top of each other so that a 3D model is created
