Kann mir jemand das passende Gedicht herausfinden?

Ich werde am Freitag eine Klassenarbeit (10 klasse) schreiben, und diese Wörter kommen darin vor. Könnt ihr mir bitte ein Gedicht mit den Wörtern Einsamkeit, unangerührt, die Höhle,verschlossen, das Gegröhle, Anonymität, die Scheu,die Fassade, dicht,hineinhaken, geschwollen,das Gewürgte, drängend und das Sieb herausfinden?

Vielen Dank im Voraus an alle, die antworten!

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1 year ago

“Städter” by Alfred Wolfenstein

Tip: Simply enter the words in Google.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mugua

The poem is really impressive

1 year ago


Not touched by accusation or proximity,

I hide in my bare cave.

Feel like locked.

The roar of the outside world

force me into my anonymity.

The barbarity of my words

hides me behind my facade,

sealed by a rigid smile.

I want to hook myself in,

in your swollen bodies,

with niceties.

But you only hear the apron

and not the head of me.

I fall

through your screen.

By Steve Stitches

1 year ago

Loneliness surrounds me, I feel like in a cave.

I feel anonymity, I hear the roar

the people who celebrate outside and have fun.

I’m locked while they’re talking.

My barn is big, my facade crumbles

My eyes swollen while you sneak over me.

My food is not touched, I see the spiced

I’m not hungry, but I feel like I was strangling

for someone who urged me

hook me in so I can kick him.

Give me the screen! Keep it close to my eyes

But I’m not going to be a visual protection.