Kann mir jemand bei meiner Mathe Hausaufgabe helfen?

Nr.2 b und c; a) habe ich schon selber bearbeitet

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10 months ago

2b) You divide the columns/rows into “100m<13s" and "100m>=13s” or “High jump at least 2” and “high jump worse 2” (or what you think is better).

The sum “100m <13s" (external cell) is 12; in the cell "<13s" and "high jump min. 2" comes the 10; in ">=13s” comes the value 3, because “the other students” are meant to run slower than 13 seconds. The remainder is then obtained from addition (total bottom right is 22)

2c) You rule “female”/”male” and “>60″/”<=60". The 800 comes into the total sum cell at the bottom right. sum cell "female"=480; Total cell ">60″=560. The inner cell “weiblich/>60” has the value 400. All other cells result again by adding.