Kann mir jemand bei der Seite helfen?

Hey ich brauche Hilfe beim Volumen einer Kugel und oberflächeninhalt

. Das ist neu. Danke im Voraus.

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11 months ago

To calculate the volume or surface of a sphere, you only need the radius of the sphere. The formulae are in each case above the tasks in the yellow boxes.

The radii are given in the respective tasks No. 1, i.e. You only need to replace the r in the formula with these radii and then calculate it with the calculator.

You have to take care of tasks 2 and 3. The diameters of the balls are indicated. The diameter is twice the radius. That is. You only have to split d through 2 and thus get the required radius r, which you can now easily use again.

11 months ago

Look at the pictures.