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1 year ago

Basically, interest rates are simple percentages. Only that interest always refers to a whole year.

1 year ago
Reply to  Flugzeugegeil

No, that’s exactly the same. Just for a year. If the start time is shorter, you have to convert the result accordingly.

For half a year, interest rates are just half as high as for a whole year.

1 year ago

It sounds too complicated for me.

I’m doing this about the equation.
23% of chicken eggs explode because the chickens are too heavy.
You put 512 eggs. How much eggs are broken?

You write everything you have in the following way: all you know about eggs, right, and the corresponding percentage left. Then you multiply the occupied values over cross and divide by the diagonal value that is missing.

512 eggs…. 100%
———–= ———
x Eggs…… 23%
Diagonal 23%*512 eggs / 100% = 117.76 eggs.
Points are only there to prevent the numbers from slipping.

1 year ago

Percentages are hundredths. At that time, we’d have to settle…

And the year has 360 days for interest.