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Guten Tag, aktuell studiere ich auf Lehramt Erdkunde und Englisch.Bin auch recht zufrieden eigentlich ,allerdings gibt es nur ein Problem das mich sehr stört. In Deutschland verdient man als verbeamteter Lehrer ganz gut aber dafür im Ausland sehr schlecht. In der Zukunft möchte ich eigentlich schon gerne auswandern…macht es dann noch überhaupt Sinn weiter Lehramt…
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Kann man seinen Schnitt in der Uni verbessern?
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30 seats were awarded in the selection procedure.
Because not every one of the best in the rankings also this university as 1. Prio has indicated that his 1st Prio has also got a place and therefore will not study here, 58 applicants could be offered an admission. Say: from the 58 best candidates, 28 will not study here and therefore applicant No. 58 could get a seat.
You’re ranked 88. That means there are 29 applicants who have not got a place, but in the rankings are better than you, and therefore rather move to a place than you.
And so that even a place of study is released to which someone can move, one of the first 30, who have got a place here, must also skip.
Make up a total of 30 people who have to think differently until you get a place.