Kann mir die Zulassungsstelle vorschreiben wo ich mein Kennzeichen prägen lasse?

Ich war heute bei der Zulassungsstelle um mein Auto zuzulassen. Der Mitarbeiter teilte mir mit wie das neue Kennzeichen lautet und sagte, dass ich es bei dem Laden neben prägen lassen soll und dann gleich wieder kommen könne. Ich sagte ihm, dass ich es mir lieber im Internet bestellen möchte und dann am Dienstag wieder komme. Darauf sagte er wörtlich: “Nein, das machen Sie nicht! Sie gehen da rüber und kommen dann gleich wieder.” Ich fand das nicht nur unverschämt, sondern musste dadurch auch 70 Euro für die Kennzeichen zahlen anstelle von 15 Euro.

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4 months ago

In which store does this cost 70€??? Price is actually quite uniform at 15€ even without appointment…Then the mistake lies with you!

I want you to get out that quickly shape (lasts 2 minutes) and get back to the petty bearbiter so that he sticks on the plaquettes and doesn’t order anything on the Internet, which is there in 3/4 days and you need an appointment again etc.

Your plan was totally stupid.

4 months ago
Reply to  MAB98

The question is more where this should go for 15€. In small towns, where there is only one provider, it can set the prices arbitrarily, with us in the place there are 43€.

4 months ago

We have several shielding services, among other things a cheaper one. If I know that I want to allow a vehicle, I will reserve the desired identifier and order the license plates on the Internet, which I will bring for approval, costs 12,80.- Euro more for the desired sign with reservation, but easy 30 Euro less than the sign making on site!

No one is allowed to prescribe where you make the mark, on the contrary, the city or the county would have to look for choices so that there is no monopoly position.


70 Euro does not even cost me the entire registration incl. License plate, an anger is with you!

4 months ago

When my sister admitted her sedan, we were living in Dillenburg at the time, giving in addition to the Schliderdienst in the yard the admission point of the undamaged price was still a workshop, 5 minutes to foot, which were not half as expensive!

A customer of the registration office asked the employee if there was not something cheaper.

Then my sister recommended the workshop.

The employee then said, “I couldn’t say that” my sister: “But I” and grinned.

4 months ago

The agency must approve this and he can’t rely on me on the internet

4 months ago

I’ve been to the registration office today to allow my car.

Wrong operation, you should have applied for the allocation of a license plate, because you did not want to allow the vehicle immediately on the day, but only know the license plate in advance.

Behavior is still strange, you could have offered you a wishing license reservation or a pre-delegation instead of pressing you for immediate admission and the associated suburban purchase, which you did not want.

4 months ago

In this case, because only a further appointment is required for the plaques, it is inferior when many wait for months.

You should have come with the shields.

4 months ago

had not been going through. the approval would have moved back by a few weeks.

so you can mount and start the license plates