Can someone explain this to me?

Hey, I thought whoever was coming from the parallel road always had priority? I understand the truck thing now, because of right-before-left. But not the bike thing. Please explain that to me.

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3 years ago

The bike must wait for the truck because the truck has priority because it is right from the cyclist

3 years ago

§8 StVO:
At crossroads and mouths there is the entrance, who comes from the right. …

This applies to you regarding the truck. You’ve got the way to that. So you drive in front of the truck and answer 1 is wrong.

§9 (3):
If you want to turn off, you have to let vehicles come through,

This applies to the cyclist in relation to you. He must let you through as a straight-forward driver and only then be allowed to bend. So you drive in front of the cyclist and answer 2 is wrong.

This leaves only answer 3 and this is correct because the other two have to let you through what means you are the first.

3 years ago

It applies: right in front of left ..

The wheel wants to left, you straight ahead.. Left turner has to let traffic through.

You’re in front of the truck.

So, you first!

3 years ago

The intersection is unsigned, in so far the right is in front of the left. For the cyclist, the truck comes from the right, he has to wait until it has been driven. For the truck you come from the right, so you have to wait until you get through. So you can first, then truck, then the bike.

3 years ago

Normal crossing (no signposts or the like), therefore right-by-right links: The red comes to the left of you, so you can drive first.

The cyclist comes to the left of the red, which is why the red can drive in front of him.

So you are the first one to drive, then the red one, then the cyclist.

3 years ago

The cyclist bends to the left and has to let you pass through as an intercourse

3 years ago
Reply to  TheGoldenAxe

If you have an FS, please go back to the driving school and learn your tasks correctly. People like you can’t let go of traffic.

3 years ago
Reply to  TheGoldenAxe

The cyclist bends to the left (from his point of view) and who bends to the left must provide for the intercourse! What is there to discuss!

The last answer is correct: you are the first to drive and have an entrance

3 years ago

Hello TheGoldenAxe

  1. You, as an extremely legal person
  2. The truck as a legal person
  3. The bicycle