Kann mir bitte jemand helfen bei der interpretierung von die Welt ist rund von Erich Kästner?

Ich habe am Montag einen Vortrag ich muss die einzelnen Strophen beschreiben bzw. Interpretieren und den Stilmittel, das reimschema, das Metrum nennen.. Da ich leider Quarantäne hatte konnte ich garnicht das Thema verstehen..

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3 years ago

Actually, I don’t answer any questions in which so many spelling errors are:

interpreting, the Stylish, Reimschema, not at all (Merksatz: Not at all is not written together.) But because it is about Kästner, I have become soft;-).

Stylish you can google, rhyme also.

Kästner wrote the poem in 1928. Take a look at what was going on in Germany and the world.

I’ve seen all Google pages (13) on this poem, what would have been your task and what you had had enough time in quarantine, and finally found three interesting places:

“In “The world is round” the author drives to the top, and one marvels at Kästner’s unholy hatred for the two-legged. “




3 years ago

No, no shock, especially since you have enough time now.

3 years ago
Reply to  aishaskz

With your activity HERE, you would have already read the book… ALSO ….

3 years ago

If you mean…

3 years ago

Don’t waste “Zaiihiit” … LESE …

Your ypseudo-girlfriend and pseudo – gang are still there during the day.