Kann mir bitte jemand das System des P-Kontos erklären?
Ich habe mein p-Konto zwar schon ne Weile dennoch stehe ich diesen Monat vor einem Rätsel.. und zwar geht es um folgendes
ich habe einen Freibetrag v 2939€
aufs Konto gegangen sind 4134€
wie rechnet die Bank das? Einkommen (1. des Monats -bis Ende des Monats) minus Freibetrag und das was drüber ist wird in den folgenden Monat mit rüber gezogen? Ich habe für den restlichen Montag noch 776€ obwohl ich mir sicher bin das es über 1000€ wären. War bei der Bank aber da konnte man mir das auch nicht sagen 🥴
vielleicht kennt sich einer v euch damit aus?
This is exactly what it says:
https://www.bmj.de/DE/themes/economy_financed/compulsory/pensation-protection account/pensation-protection account.html
The difference between 1000 and 776 must have been given to your creditors. that would have to come out of your account statements.
No, yesterday was at the bank to let me explain how to calculate this and then the boy man said it will be free all in the next month .. yet I mean that they gave me 245€ too little for the current month free.
on 1.7.2024, the allowances were changed…. check your status using the latest table
At 2.939 € mtl. Amount and €4134 Incoming payment within one month should be blocked by the difference for creditors, provided that the account is credited.
It’s a p account. Creditors get nothing because the surplus will be transferred to the next month .. this is also not my question was how to calculate the free amount minus what goes on to the account because I have not exhausted my free amount for this month and I think the bank has given 245€ too little free.
This is not permissible in principle, but is probably handled by some financial institutions.
Then install this paperwriting the account-leading financial institution.
I raised my allowance this month, maybe it’s because although the bank told me that the amount of the allowance was adjusted
This is known to me, but it does not apply to money which went in and exceeded the amount of the allowance.
In order to be able to assess more precisely what is going on in your account, I would have to know all account transactions from the last few months, which is not possible here.
So please contact paperwriting to the financial institution.
Maybe it’s just a computer error.
A complete calendar month can be provided with a full amount of money via the non-banking amount. The unused part of the money received within the free limits will be transferred to the next month. This also applies to money spent at the end of the month for the next month.~ so my bank and any other I also think
Usually it’s the way you described it.
Either you had more cash inputs, or you had a rest from the previous month that was spent.
The bank has to settle this for you.
I didn’t take anything from the previous month. Last month raised my free allowance from €2350 (mean I) to €2939, because my entrances have changed and that they have not adapted. I was with the bank, but I couldn’t get any information on how the whole thing is